08 May 2010

Type 4 Character Creation

Stats: (from 3 to 18, or 3d6)


Classes: (followed by bonus class skillsets (or a skill in italics, or something else underlined))

Fighter (Str + 1, Int + 1) - Bonus Feat
Barbarian (Str + 2, Sta + 2, Int - 2) - Rage
Light Paladin (Str + 1, Spi + 1) - White Magic
Dark Paladin (Str + 1, Sta + 1) - Black Magic
Thief (Fle + 1, Cha + 1) - Steal, Pick Locks, Move Silently
Assassin (Fle + 1, Spi + 1) - Critical Plus, Shadowstep
Wild Mage (Mag + 1, Cha + 1) - Wild Magic
Necromancer (Fle + 1, Mag + 1) - Black Magic
Priest (Sta + 1, Cha + 1) - White Magic
Bard (Spi + 1, Cha + 1) - Song and Dance


Critical Plus (Chance to critical goes up 1% per rank, up to 5 ranks)
Rage (Lasts 1 round per rank (up to 5 ranks), HP + 10% per rank, Str + 1 per rank, Sta + 1 per rank, Int + 1 per rank)
Steal (Pick someone's pocket with 50% success + 5% per rank - 3 per point of target's spirit + 15% if currently unseen + 20% if invisible + 1 per point of user's flexibility, up to 8 ranks)
Pick Locks (Pick a lock with 50% success + 5% per rank - 15% per difficulty level of the lock above Cheap + 1 for each point of Stamina, up to 8 ranks)
Move Silently (Move very quietly, 50% chance of being detected + 5% per rank - 10% in medium armor - 50% in heavy armor + 1 for each point of Stamina + 1 for each point of flexibility, up to 8 ranks)
Shadowstep (Move invisibly in shadows, 50% chance of being detected + 5% per rank - 10% in medium armor - 50% in heavy armor + 1 for each point of Stamina + 1 for each point of flexibility - 10 if an unaware person is to see you -20 if someone is actively looking for you, up to 8 ranks)
Climbing (Able to climb. Checks are based on Flexibility. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks)
Running (Able to run fast. Checks are based on Flexibility. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks)
Jumping (Able to jump high. Checks are based on Strength. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks)
Sliding (Able to slide horizontally. Requires at least one rank of Running. Checks are based on Flexibility. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks.)


Improved Criticals (+5% chance for criticals)
Critical Momentum (Extra attack each time you get a critical)
Ferocious Nature (Get + 1 to rolls in Intimidation checks)
Charmer (Get + 1 to rolls in Charm checks)
Deft Hands (Get + 5 when stealing or picking locks)
Stealthy (Get + 5 when moving silently or shadowstepping)
Toughness (Get +3 to HP, stacking, limitless)
Weapon Specialization (Deal + 1 damage with weapon of choice, can get for multiple weapons)
-Weapon Mastery (Get + 1 chance to hit with weapon of choice, can get for multiple weapons, requires Specialization in that weapon)
Fast Casting (Cast spells in 3/4 the casting time. Requires 14 Spirit.)
-Implied Motion (Cast spells, ignoring somatic components. Requires Fast Casting.)
--Thought Speak (Cast spells, ignoring verbal components. Requires Implied Motion.)
---Omnipresence (Cast spells, ignoring material components. Requires Thought Speak.)
---Good Memory (Able to cast one more spell of each level each day. Requires Thought Speak.)
Strong Legs (Get + 1 on rolls for Running and Jumping. Requires 12 Strength)
-Parkour (Get + 1 on rolls for Climbing and Sliding. Requires 14 Flexibility and Strong Legs)
Armor Specialization (Get + 1 chance to hit while wearing medium or heavy armors. Requires 15 Strength)

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