02 May 2010


The Exemplar is the avant garde mage; they are the front line of any respectable all-mage army. Their spells are quick, focused bursts that can be released in succession, but pale in comparison to the other mages' spells in power. The exemplar is the elite of trained mages, spending nearly all of their time training from the time they get their powers to the time they're ready to use them.

Strength: d10
Reflex: d10 + 15
Magic: d20 + 15
Soul: d8
Fortitude: d10 + 10
Charm: d20

HP: d20 + 4, gains an additional d10 every level

Skills (Choose 2 at level 1. Gain a new skill every odd numbered level after 1 (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.). Skills can only be purchased once unless otherwise stated.)
Acrobatics - Reflex check to determine success at doing acrobatic stunts, like tumbling or swinging.

Bleed - Touch a foe and make them bleed, taking d4 damage per round and 1 more point of damage from physical attacks. Non-stacking. Requires Crack Armor.

Blind Touch - Blinds target touched enemy for 1 turn per caster level, making them lose 3 to their chance to hit.

Blur - Your body appears blurry to attackers, making them lose 2 to their chance to hit. This enchantment lasts 1 round per level. Requires Blind Touch.

Burning Aura - Foes around you take d4 damage on their turn + 1 per caster level. Enchantment lasts one round per caster level. Requires Burning Hands.

Burning Hands - Touch a foe to deal fire damage. Deals d10 fire damage to target + 1 per level and an additional d6 if target is wearing metal armor.

Climbing - Climb more effectively than others (5% more likely to successfully climb).

Conduction - Regenerate d20 HP per level per turn you are taking heat or cold damage. Requires Frost and Burning Aura.

Crack Armor - Lowers damage resistance of a foe by 1 per level. Non-stacking. Damage resistance cannot be lowered below 0.

Drain Touch - Drains HP from a touched foe. Deals d10 cold damage per level and restores d4 HP per level, but the amount drained cannot exceed the damage dealt. Requires Frost.

Enhanced Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 5 HP increase. Requires 2 ranks of Improved Fortitude.

Fireball - Create a fireball. It flies through the air, doing d4 heat damage per level to anything within a foot as it passes, then explodes near its target to do d10 heat damage per level to all within a 5 foot radius unless they pass a Reflex check for half damage. Requires Burning Aura.

Frost - Freeze a touched foe. Target takes d10 cold damage per level and if it fails a Magic check, it is frozen for 1 turn per caster level.

Hanging - Hang from ledges and move with your hands. Each arm movement required requires a Fortitude check or you'll fall.

Illusionary Weapon - Attack with a phantasmic sword. This sword deals the same damage as a standard longsword, but uses Magic instead of Strength to determine bonuses.

Improved Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 1 HP increase. Can be purchased more than once, gaining an additional + 1 each time it is taken (+1, +2, +3, +4, etc), so if taken 3 times, it gives 6 additional HP ( + 1 + 2 + 3).

Improved Initiative - Get + 4 to initiative rolls.

Induction - Regenerate d20 HP per level per turn you are taking electric damage. Requires Pulse.

Jumping - Jump 50% farther or higher than normal if you pass a Strength check.

Lich Touch - Drains HP from a touched foe. Deals (d10 + 1) damage per level and heals (d6+1) HP, but the amount healed cannot exceed the damage dealt. Requires Drain Touch.

Life Drain - Drains HP from a touched foe, ignoring all damage resistance. Deals (2d10+2) damage per level and heals that much HP, but the amount healed cannot be more than the amount drained. Requires Lich Touch and Piercing Bolt.

Lift - Use magic to lift yourself up from what you're hanging from, so long as you're touching it. Can also be used to lift you to a higher point on a wall. Requires Hanging for hanging and Climbing for climbing. Has no effect on Jumping.

Piercing Bolt - Impale a foe with a spear made of electricity. Deals d20 lightning damage per level and ignores 1 point of damage resistance per level. Can hold the target to the ground or walls if they are 3 feet or less from the target. A target held in this way is held for 1 turn. Requires Pulse and Crack Armor.

Pulse - Send a touched opponent flying. Deals 2d10 damage + 2 per level and pushes foe up to 4 feet per level. Requires Static.

Sliding - Character can slide up to 10 feet on most surfaces, 15 on smooth surfaces, 30 on smooth, wet surfaces (pending a successful Reflex check). Failing the check results in falling.

Soul Drain - Causes Life Drain to drain 3 more HP per level. Requires Life Drain and Fireball.

Sprint - Gain an extra 50% speed in short bursts (for every 10 seconds of sprinting, a Strength check must be made or the sprint cannot continue).

Static - Touch a foe to deal lightning damage. Deals d10 lightning damage to target + 1 per level and d6 lightning damage to all within 1 foot of the target (except the caster). Deals an additional d6 damage to any wearing metal armor within that radius (including the caster).

Vampiric Hunger - All spells that drain HP drain an additional 10% HP (rounded up), so if you drained 24 HP, you would drain an additional 3 HP. Requires Lich Touch.

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