02 May 2010


One who focuses their talents on stealth. While they do not directly affect aethir, their talents are in high demand. An assassin is able to completely disappear from not only the senses, but even from electronic scanners unless, of course, they make a loud enough noise to be heard (but that isn't common under normal circumstances). This stealth is incredibly useful when one is stalking or hunting someone. This stealth is even more effective when combined with their parkour training.

Assassins are very rare in any society. The ones that are around do not openly parade the fact that they are an assassin, of course. They network through other illegal sources. The Mother or Father of a "Family" of assassins usually takes the jobs, but when an apprentice is ready to become a full assassin, the Mother or Father passes the job onto them.

Assassins are trained in their abilities by the Mother or Father of their "Family". They are trained in all forms of weapons in addition to their stealth. An assassin can use any weapon they are physically capable of using and wear any armor, but can't use their stealth abilities in heavier armors.

Assassins are most commonly nobles, since nobles are generally able to afford more expensive weapons, but an assassin may choose anyone they believe is worthy to train in their arts. Apprentices have almost no skills other than their basic training when they go on their first real job, but by the time they return, they have often specialized in a particular weapon and often have several new skills with it.

Assassins have very few skills, but the ones they have are very useful. They gain no skills other than stealth until they choose a weapon to specialize in. These skills are all dependent on that particular weapon type, but they can also make a small variety of poisons. The most common choice of weapon is the dagger, as it can be used quickly and quietly, but if the time period allows, assassins may also be snipers.

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