02 May 2010


Humans are a universal race, able to live in any climate and adapt to their environments.

Humans have the most variety in skin, hair, and eye colors, body shape, size, and weight. Their skin color ranges from dark brown to pure white (with pink eyes, but they can't go out in the sun). Their hair ranges from black to white in shades of brown and occasionally red. Their eyes can be blue, green, brown or any combination of these, but blue-brown is extremely rare. Their body shape is completely different between males and females, and females are generally (and ideally, for most males) lighter and shorter than males, but this not always true. Human height at adulthood ranges from 4' to 8' (1.2198 m to 2.4384 m), with the 5' - 6' (1.524 m to 1.8288 m) range being most common. The weight of ones willing to leave their homes to explore is between 90 and 230 lbs (40.8233 kg to 104.326 kg).

"The Stork". They cannot interbreed with the Consati, but can have physical relations with them, though it is dangerous and not worth the effort, as the male will spend almost the entire time in pain.

Human technology is the same as in the real world at whatever time this game takes place.

Humans are omnivores and will eat anything, preferably things that taste good and/or are beneficial to their health.

Humans range from being completely xenophobic to being completely open to other races. Each settlement is different.

The most common relations with Humans and Consati are trade relations within human settlements, where Consati are allowed to sell their crafts for money and use that money to buy anything their forest doesn't provide for them. The common attitude between the two is distrust and Consati are frequently scapegoats to human criminals or are blamed for nonexistent crimes. Consati are also occasionally the targets of hate crimes within human cities, but certain human organizations are trying their best to end the interracial hatred.

Humans are terrified of Dar Mien. Occasionally, a human will visit Dar Mien Cu, but will almost always leave out of sheer terror.

A few human settlements have Aberil living on rooftops and hunting, but this is incredibly rare. These Aberil hunters often serve as assassins and militia, with their targets being their payment. Some human armies even allow Aberil to join as a sort of "Ninja Task Force" though this practice is becoming less common.

Humans deny the existence of the Gami, though many great leaders have fallen to their control.

Kalo pretend to be angels to devout humans and can often be found near churches. Most humans are too afraid of divine retribution to kill them, so small villages with churches usually have an apathetic population with a few Gami present.

Humans and Bulgraf acknowledge each other's existence, but no more than that. Humans just can't get past talking to giant walking rocks.

Humans can be any class. Gravetenders are common, as are conduits. Revenant humans are EXTREMELY rare and will not only be executed by other humans if they enter a settlement, but if they are seen anywhere else, they will more than likely be killed or taken in as secret servants.

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