31 May 2010


Tomarai are vaguely human in appearance, but are biologically and genetically a different race entirely. Tomarai, like consati, could also be classified as sentient plants, but share more traits with humans. They have gender in a sense (they're all female, explained later) and are nearly completely human visually. Distinguishing features include a rounder face with no lower jaw. Their teeth are all equally as long and are all those of large cats. They do not use them to eat, however, as tomarai do not eat (they use photosynthesis to create food for energy). These teeth are purely for use as natural weapons.

Tomarai base their entire society around gambling. They are not greedy, however, which most races find confusing. They gamble only for what they need, not for greed, because they know that the more they gamble, the more likely they are to lose what they have. They gamble often for food and power, with their leaders making decisions, sometimes literally, based on the roll of a die. Their television stations air 24 hour game shows (if the setting is after the advent of the television), often with sun deprivation as a penalty for losing and a month of leadership as a prize. This sounds minor to most other races, of course, who prefer having a reliable leader for years, but the tomarai despise excess and ruling for too long can cause corruption of their values. Thankfully, they can gamble their way out of the deprivation (and most do).

Although tomarai gamble over everything, they are completely honest and never cheat. In fact, they value fair play over everything else (making the duelist the most common class for a tomara) and torture those who cheat them or destroy the ability to play fairly. This isn't to say they don't have games based entirely on deception. If it's the purpose of the game to deceive and everyone is given the same opportunity to do so, they will deceive each other until one comes out on top. None of them take it personally, so groups of friends having their own "liar games" (with one as a "referee" to keep play fair) are very common.

Tomarai wear the same clothes as humans, but prefer to wear yellows and reds.

Tomarai reproduce sexually in exactly the same way as plants, though structurally, they would be able to go through the actions of reproducing with any other race (though they would, quite literally, bear no fruit). The result of reproduction is literally a fruit at the end of their "hair" (which, while it LOOKS like dreadlocks are actually vines). These fruits are pear-shaped and orange with red swirls. They taste nearly identical to limes, but are the texture of a papaya inside (with a similar skin, as well). This fruit falls after a week and then must be cared for like a chicken's egg.

Tomarai have green eyes that vary from nearly black to nearly white. Their "hair" is usually the same color, though it is occasionally the inverse (i.e., dark hair with light eyes). Their skin tones are the same as those of humans, though they darken or lighten based on their sun exposure over the previous 24 hours (darker with more exposure).

30 May 2010


The kalabatzi have four legs that look like human legs arranged in a circle around their pelvis, but instead of ending in feet, they end in tips that look like exactly like those of a spider.

Their torsos have a central spine and have floating ribs that go in a circle around their bodies. Their organs are arranged in a tight spiral inside their ribs, with the exception of their reproductive system, which is located at the center of their pelvis. The external part moves and looks similar to a sea anemone's tentacle, while the internal part is similar to a frog's cloaca; however, it is not used for urine and feces like that of a frog; those processes occur through the kalabatzi's toxic sweat. They reproduce similar to frogs, but outside of water and with larger eggs that males carry attached to their "waist" (under the ribs, but above the pelvis).

They have four circularly symmetric arms. The arms again look human, but end in pincers and are unusually skinny near the elbows.

Their heads are a simple pillar with three eyes arranged in an equilateral triangle on each of four sides, each between two of the arms, so they are located directly above the legs. Their mouth is on the top of their head, but because they breathe through it as well, unless they are eating, they cover it with a breathable, but impermeable hat developed by their scientists in the event of sudden rain (thus cutting drowning deaths by nearly 73%). They wear no clothes, have only recently developed the ability to "speak" (sounding more like sighs, screams, and steam whistles), and have no significant scientific inventions other than the previously mentioned hat. Their skin burns the same as human skin, so they spend very little time in the sun. Occasionally, they are found wandering Dar Mien Cu, but not even the Dar Mien can explain their presence there, as no one has ever found a kalabatz's home.

They eat mostly small animals like bunnies, rats, and mice and when a kalabatz is found, they are usually hunting in fields for these creatures. This does not explain their presence in Dar Mien Cu, however, and there is no logical other reason for them to be there.

There is a superstition among certain consati tribes that seeing a kalabatz in your village is a sign that something terrible (usually a fire) will occur and kill at least half of the village's people. Whether this is true or not has yet to be verified, but most rule it as mere racism and fear of things that are different.

Kalabatz cannot be any normal class, but can be their own class of warriors that are physically strong or very fast, but nothing else unusual. They cannot use any tools not of their own design due to the shapes of their "hands" and "feet" (however, they do not use tools as of yet, anyway, being "pre-stone age" in technology.

13 May 2010

Type 5 Character Creation

This is a completely separate game from the other one. This one is even MORE simple; fewer things to pay attention to and such.

There are two attributes: Body and Mind. These are determined by class and race.

Each race has a base body or mind score.

Each class adds to at least one of the attributes and grants a skill that can be used once per turn in place of an attack. It also determines HP.




Double Strike (Attack Twice)
Fire (Ranged, deals 10 damage)
Heal (Restore 15 HP to an ally)
Hold (Target misses next turn)
Steal (Steals an item or gold if available), Backstab (+1 damage per level if behind the target)

Money and Equipment
Each class starts with a set amount of money. Fighters and Spellswords get 100 Gold, Mages get 40 Gold, Rogues get 80 Gold, and Knights get 150 Gold.
Short Sword
Spear (Reach)
Bow (Ranged)
Small Shield
Medium Shield
Large Shield
Padded Armor
Leather Armor
Studded Leather
Chainmail Shirt
Chainmail Armor
Plate Mail
Light Meal
Dry Meal
Nutritious Meal
Standard Clothing
Feminine Clothing
Masculine Clothing
Decayed Clothing
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword, Rogue
Fighter, Rogue
Fighter, Knight
Fighter, Rogue
Fighter, Spellsword
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword
Fighter, Mage, Spellsword, Rogue
Fighter, Mage, Spellsword, Rogue
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword, Rogue
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword, Rogue
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword, Rogue
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword
Fighter, Knight, Spellsword
Knight, Spellsword

Characters start at level 1. At each level afterward or at certain levels, each class gains a bonus: Fighters deal 1 more damage with attacks for each level past 1 (+1 at Level 2, +2 at Level 3, etc.) and gain 4 HP; Mages deal 2 more damage with Fire for each level past 1 (+2 at Level 2, +4 at Level 3, etc.) and gain 2 HP; Knights deal 1 more damage with attacks for each level past 1 (+1 at Level 2, +2 at Level 3, etc.), they heal 1 additional point of HP with Heal for each level past 1 (16 at Level 2, 16 at Level 3, etc.) and gain 5 HP; Spellswords' Hold lasts for one turn per level (1 turn at Level 1, 2 turns at Level 2, 3 turns at Level 3) and gain 3 HP; Rogues deal 1 more damage with attacks for each level past 1 (+1 at Level 2, +2 at Level 3, etc.) and gain 2 HP.

Levels are gained at the GMs discretion after an adventure. If a GM chooses, they may decide to implement some sort of experience system. The GM must be fair and would choose which characters to level up wisely; the decision should be balanced with the current adventure: if healing is frequently needed, the Knight should level up quicker than the others (to restore more HP with Heal); if there are swarms of enemies, the Fighter should level up quicker (to take out two at a time), etc.

If the players find themselves in a combat situation -which they inevitably will-, they will need to determine the order of the turns. For players, it is a consensual decision among them; they may choose a turn order in the very beginning of the game and pick up in the order where they left off or any other method. Enemies, unless they managed to ambush or surprise the party, go after the players in whatever order the GM chooses.

Attacks automatically hit unless the GM wants to add flare to the story ("You swing at the goblin, but miss, your sword getting stuck in the wooden statue.").

Attacks deal the base damage listed plus any class, environmental, or situational bonuses, then armor is subtracted from this number. If a Level 10 Knight with a Greatsword attacks another Knight wearing Plate Mail, the attack will deal 16 damage (20 + 10 - 14). The GM may choose to vary the damage by some means (such as subtracting 2 from the damage and rolling a four sided die, adding the roll to the damage). They may wish to add a method to inflict critical hits, which will generally deal between 150% and 300% damage (200% or 2x being the most common).


The hunter is a highly advanced soldier. In addition to genetic enhancement and biotechnology, they are also all permanently equipped with a PRE (Personal Reality Enhancer), which allows them to detect heat, pulse, and nerve impulses in what they see, meaning they can almost see intent when another is speaking. It also allows them to feel light as a mild warmth (like sunlight, but the heat is based on how bright a light is). The PRE does not function perfectly in extremely bright light; at that point, the hunter can only see heat.  The PRE can be turned on and off by will, allowing for normal sight, as well. In addition to being able to see new things, the PRE also makes the irises react instantly to light changes, whether it (the PRE) is active or not, so a hunter cannot be blinded by quick light change.

PRE Abilities The PRE also gives a form of telekinesis (PREkinesis), with the hunter able to lift up to 300 lbs of objects within 50 feet. They can also fling an object or objects weighing up to 100 pounds with 900 newtons of force, 200 lbs at 700 newtons, and up to 300 at 500 newtons. When used to lift things, PREkinesis can only be maintained for about twenty seconds before the PRE requires a cooldown of 10 seconds. Flinging objects requires 1/10 of a second per pound thrown for cooldown before any lifting or flinging can be done again.

PRE Notes The PRE is internally implanted in the brain, though the eyes are also fitted with special contact lenses. These can be seen clearly if one looks closely while the PRE is active; the irises appear to rotate and emit a faint glow in whatever color they happen to be. If viewed in the dark with light irises or in the light with dark irises and the hunter moves, it causes a trailing effect. There is also a fitted glove to control the PREkinesis, but there is nothing remarkable about its appearance. The PREkinesis can still be used without the glove, but it instead lifts things in a circle around the hunter and flinging shoots them outward.

Genetic Enhancement The hunter's genes have been enhanced significantly, making them highly attractive and immune to almost every disease and illness. They can also take quite a beating (damage is reduced by 33%).

Biotechnology The hunter's biotech gives them regeneration, with flesh wounds healing in seconds and lost limbs growing back and fully functional within the hour. They also have really high strength. These abilities, however, cannot be used in magnetic areas or for a minute after a giant EMP.

Weapon Training The hunter is perfectly capable of using any weapon, though they tend to specialize in either sniper rifles, assault rifles, and tactical machine pistols. Occasionally, a hunter will use a heavy pistol, but this is fairly uncommon.

08 May 2010

Type 4 Character Creation

Stats: (from 3 to 18, or 3d6)


Classes: (followed by bonus class skillsets (or a skill in italics, or something else underlined))

Fighter (Str + 1, Int + 1) - Bonus Feat
Barbarian (Str + 2, Sta + 2, Int - 2) - Rage
Light Paladin (Str + 1, Spi + 1) - White Magic
Dark Paladin (Str + 1, Sta + 1) - Black Magic
Thief (Fle + 1, Cha + 1) - Steal, Pick Locks, Move Silently
Assassin (Fle + 1, Spi + 1) - Critical Plus, Shadowstep
Wild Mage (Mag + 1, Cha + 1) - Wild Magic
Necromancer (Fle + 1, Mag + 1) - Black Magic
Priest (Sta + 1, Cha + 1) - White Magic
Bard (Spi + 1, Cha + 1) - Song and Dance


Critical Plus (Chance to critical goes up 1% per rank, up to 5 ranks)
Rage (Lasts 1 round per rank (up to 5 ranks), HP + 10% per rank, Str + 1 per rank, Sta + 1 per rank, Int + 1 per rank)
Steal (Pick someone's pocket with 50% success + 5% per rank - 3 per point of target's spirit + 15% if currently unseen + 20% if invisible + 1 per point of user's flexibility, up to 8 ranks)
Pick Locks (Pick a lock with 50% success + 5% per rank - 15% per difficulty level of the lock above Cheap + 1 for each point of Stamina, up to 8 ranks)
Move Silently (Move very quietly, 50% chance of being detected + 5% per rank - 10% in medium armor - 50% in heavy armor + 1 for each point of Stamina + 1 for each point of flexibility, up to 8 ranks)
Shadowstep (Move invisibly in shadows, 50% chance of being detected + 5% per rank - 10% in medium armor - 50% in heavy armor + 1 for each point of Stamina + 1 for each point of flexibility - 10 if an unaware person is to see you -20 if someone is actively looking for you, up to 8 ranks)
Climbing (Able to climb. Checks are based on Flexibility. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks)
Running (Able to run fast. Checks are based on Flexibility. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks)
Jumping (Able to jump high. Checks are based on Strength. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks)
Sliding (Able to slide horizontally. Requires at least one rank of Running. Checks are based on Flexibility. Rolls get + 1 per rank, up to 3 ranks.)


Improved Criticals (+5% chance for criticals)
Critical Momentum (Extra attack each time you get a critical)
Ferocious Nature (Get + 1 to rolls in Intimidation checks)
Charmer (Get + 1 to rolls in Charm checks)
Deft Hands (Get + 5 when stealing or picking locks)
Stealthy (Get + 5 when moving silently or shadowstepping)
Toughness (Get +3 to HP, stacking, limitless)
Weapon Specialization (Deal + 1 damage with weapon of choice, can get for multiple weapons)
-Weapon Mastery (Get + 1 chance to hit with weapon of choice, can get for multiple weapons, requires Specialization in that weapon)
Fast Casting (Cast spells in 3/4 the casting time. Requires 14 Spirit.)
-Implied Motion (Cast spells, ignoring somatic components. Requires Fast Casting.)
--Thought Speak (Cast spells, ignoring verbal components. Requires Implied Motion.)
---Omnipresence (Cast spells, ignoring material components. Requires Thought Speak.)
---Good Memory (Able to cast one more spell of each level each day. Requires Thought Speak.)
Strong Legs (Get + 1 on rolls for Running and Jumping. Requires 12 Strength)
-Parkour (Get + 1 on rolls for Climbing and Sliding. Requires 14 Flexibility and Strong Legs)
Armor Specialization (Get + 1 chance to hit while wearing medium or heavy armors. Requires 15 Strength)

Type 3 Character Creation

Characters start with 300 "Character Creation Points". These points can be spent however the player wishes on attributes and skills. Each time the character gains a level, they gain another 20 points to spend however.

Initially, players also choose a class for their character. These classes provide free points in an attribute and a free skill.

These start at 0 and cannot go below that. They have no upper limit, but the more points spent in each, the more likely checks in them are to succeed. Checks are a comparison of the required attribute for a task and the character's attribute. Success if the character's attribute is higher than the requirement.

Strength (STR) - Melee attacks deal damage equal to Strength.
Motion (MOT) - Ranged attacks deal damage equal to Motion.
Constitution (CON) - How much HP a character has is equal to Constitution.
Psyche (PSY) - Magic attacks deal damage equal to Psyche. Magic healing restores HP equal to Psyche.
Fellowship (FEL) - Higher Fellowship than the one it's being used on allows discounts in stores, trust in the character, and likability. Low Fellowship results in higher prices, distrust in the character, and unlikability.

The points and skills gained from classes are non-refundable. Only one class can be selected. If two skills are listed, only one can be taken.

Knights can gain an additional 10 points in Strength. They also start out with Melee Combat OR Ranged Combat at no cost.
Thieves can gain an additional 10 points in Motion. They also start out with Stealing OR Parkour at no cost.
Barbarians can gain an additional 10 points in Constitution. They also start out with Rage at no cost.
Disciples can gain an additional 10 points in Psyche. They also start out with Combat Magic OR Support Magic at no cost.
Bards can gain an additional 10 points in Fellowship. They also start out with Musical Instrument OR Dance at no cost.

Skills cost 10 points each.

Balance - Character can balance more successfully.
Climbing - Character can climb effectively.
Combat Magic - Character can use combat magic.
Dance - Character can dance.
Fast Casting - Character can cast spells in half the time.
Implied Movement - Character doesn't need to move to cast spells.
Implied Words - Character doesn't need to chant to cast spells.
Intimidation - Character is twice as effective with Strength persuasion.
Jumping - Character can jump higher.
Melee Combat - Character deals more damage with melee attacks.
Mounted Combat - Character deals more damage while mounted.
Musical Instrument - Character can play a musical instrument. This skill can be taken for individual instruments.
Parkour - Character knows how to get from Point A to Point B by climbing, swimming, sliding, and other skills. This is more specific than the individual skills as it is for a more urban setting.
Persuasion - Character is twice as effective with Fellowship persuasion.
Rage - Character deals more damage without weapons.
Ranged Combat - Character deals more damage with ranged weapons.
Riding - Character can ride mounts.
Running - Character can run for longer before getting tired.
Stealing - Character can steal from other character and pick locks.
Support Magic - Character can use support magic.
Swimming - Character can swim.

Combat Magic
Must have the Combat Magic skill to spend points on these. Each spell costs 15 points.

Fireball - Creates a tiny bead that when thrown, erupts in flame.
Spark - Creates a tiny bead that when thrown, creates an electric field.
Death Touch - Touch an enemy to deal direct damage to their body.
Fear - Targeted creature becomes terrified and flees if they fail a psyche check.
Drain Touch - Touch an enemy to restore health while lowering the enemy's.

Support Magic
Must have the Support Magic skill to spend points on these. Each spell costs 15 points.

Restore - Heals an ally.
Remove Fear - As the name implies, removes magical fear.
Ward Against Elements - Cuts elemental damage in half against an ally.
Ward Against Damage - Cuts non-elemental, physical damage in half against an ally.
Ward Against Draining - Cuts damage from draining in half against an ally.

06 May 2010


Taloveri are a unique humanoid species in that they have no defined gender, though they reproduce exactly like humans and most other species. They are genderless until their bodies are ready to reproduce (Puberty, which happens at roughly 32 years old, though for them, it's when they're mentally and emotionally ready; physically, they can be ready at birth due to their body structure), at which point they can choose which gender they wish to be. This process takes about a week. They can change this at any time, which takes two weeks (one to become asexual, one to change to the other sex).

Taloveri are naturally curious about everything. They will often taste things that look edible without even considering that it may be dangerous (though most things aren't due to their unusual biology, described later). They are often good spies and assassins as they make very little noise when they move, if any at all (at most 5 decibels).

Taloveri look remarkably human in their bodies, though they are genetically as far from human as one could get. They are technically a collective of bacteria that work together as a huge mass. The genes of all the bacteria in one Taloven are identical, but are unique to that individual Taloven. They could technically reproduce asexually and some do, but they feel the collective need to fit in with humans (hence the body shape). They eat basically anything, with the Stomach Cells being in charge of digesting the food and transferring excess to the other cells. They don't require much food to get energy as Energy Cells absorb some sunlight and transfer excess to other cells the same way the Stomach Cells do. Each other cell serves some purpose as well, though they all think together with a collective awareness, so they can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel everything all the others experience, though they coordinate to know where the sensation comes from. Their decisions are reached democratically with majority vote getting the say in what is done. This can make Taloveri unpredictable at times, but they generally act in the best interest for all involved and are strangely wiser than most other races.

To produce sounds, a Taloven's Speech Cells create vibrating pillars within a cavity equivalent to lungs and vocal cords combined (though much smaller). This sound exits through the opening of the cavity, which they usually cover with human-like "lips". They are completely influenced by humans and have formed their language and societies based on human models. It should be noted that without restructuring their vocal pillar, which takes a few days, they are unable to yell. And it should also be noted that they would require a few days to restructure their vocal pillar to its normal size and shape, and until it's changed back, they can't not yell.

Taloveri do not name their individual cells, instead naming one Taloven (which is the proper term for an individual mass of Talo, the individual cells. Though humans refer to individual Taloven and groups of Taloveri as Taloven, too, they prefer to be called Taloveri; however, they don't go out of their way to correct this) after an adjective. For example, one Taloven may be named Special, another Gemmed, and another Shiny. Their names are mainly determined by the feeling the mother Taloven feels when the baby is formed, a description of the mother Taloven's most prized possession, or how the mother Taloven thinks of the baby Taloven. Taloven do not have surnames or any other form of family name, as they are all individuals. They do not care for their young (they are born fully capable of taking care of themselves), and they do not give each other nicknames (their given names at birth are just a glorified nickname).

Taloveri all work together collectively as well, though most of their decisions are based on human ones in their current location; they conform to human standards. They are not very social creatures (they see speech as a waste of energy when it's not essential), but occasionally, they will run for human political offices, though they almost never win. They are distinctly a metallic silver color and often look wet, though they are very dry and soft, feeling very much like human flesh, but not as warm (usually).

Due to their physical structure as simply a collection of bacteria, Taloveri have about the density of ballistics gel. They can't be cut or stabbed (they part around the edges of blades, then reform), but they can be burnt by friction, like a bullet speeding through them, or by flames. They can't be crushed easily (being composed of many tiny cells approximately a quarter of the size of the smallest cells in a human), but it's not impossible. They are slightly translucent, but only in very bright, directed lights (spotlights, lasers).

It should be noted that because of their structure, they can take any form they want, taking about a week and a half to two weeks for the change, but it also limits their ability to push heavy things, often resulting in flattened shoulders, severed fingers (which can be reattached without any effort), because they have no skeleton to structure them. This malleability also means that if they take a form with claws or spikes, those claws or spikes are also soft.

Dogs and other animals with strong senses of smell can pick up their scent, though it's not much different from normal household mold or, if they bathe frequently, dust. The scent is practically only identifiable right as they enter a room in the same way as someone turning on a box fan or dropping a heavy object on the floor, otherwise their scent begins to blend with the rest of the scents in the room.

02 May 2010

Blood Apothecary (D&D 3.5)

Hailing from the underground areas of cities, a group of rogue mages wreak havok upon the world. The blood apothecary dabbles in magic and thievery, occasionally being hired by the most powerful of people to do crimes no other would willingly commit, whether it be for good or ill.
Adventures: Blood apothecaries adventure in hopes of refining their abilities, which they already see as superior to those of any other. They don't want fame or the dangers it brings, but will accept being noted as either an ally or enemy of the state.
Characteristics: Blood apothecaries know some magic and are master assassins by nature. They have extensive knowledge from years spent underground and learning from all who meet them, though they seldom share any of this information for the danger it may trigger.
Alignment: A blood apothecary seldom acts within the bounds of the law, though they seldom blatantly break it in public. For this reason, they must be neutral or chaotic, but the whether they are chaotic, neutral, or good is up to the individual.
Religion: Blood apothecaries don't openly follow any deity, but occasionally choose to follow Boccob, Erythnul, Nerull, Olidammara, and most commonly Vecna.
Aging: Same as Wizards.
Background: Blood apothecaries come into their trade usually because they have no choice; they are kidnapped as babies, raised, then forced to become apprentices. They usually complete a few missions and are loyal to their master completely before their masters inform them of this, though they often kill their masters before they begin adventuring. If they leave their master alive, they eventually go off on their own in another town.
Races: The majority of blood apothecaries are humans and gnomes, but any race can be a blood apothecary. Half-orcs, however, have little aptitude for this class.
Other Classes: Blood apothecaries don't care for those who are not completely dedicated to studies. They value bards, monks, and wizards more than anyone else, but tolerate fighters, as well. They appreciate the sorcerer's ability to teach themselves and often will only go into a group that has one. They absolutely despise clerics (regardless of alignment) and paladins, deeming them worthless for focusing only on their god, which they associate with slavery. Their opinion of all other classes varies on the individual.
Role: The blood apothecary is the group's heaviest damage-dealer, often doing more damage than any class. However, they cannot fight alone until higher levels and even then need something to distract enemies while they cast.

Game Rule Information
Blood apothecaries have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Intelligence determines how powerful a spell a blood apothecary can cast, how many spells she can cast per day, and how hard these spells are to resist (see Spells, below). A high Dexterity score is helpful for a blood apothecary, who typically wears little or no armor, because it provides her with a bonus to Armor Class and is important to many of a blood apothecary's skills, as is Charisma. A good Constitution score gives a blood apothecary extra hit points, a resource that she is otherwise very low on.
Alignment: Neutral or chaotic any.
Hit Die: d4

Class Skills
The blood apothecary's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the blood apothecary.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Blood apothecaries are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a blood apothecary's arcane gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.
Spells: A blood apothecary casts arcane spells (the same type of spells available to sorcerers and wizards), which are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list (PH, page 192). He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time, the way a wizard or cleric must (see below).
To learn or cast a spell, a blood apothecary must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Int 10 for 0-level spells, Int 11 for 1st-level spells, and so forth). The difficulty class for a saving throw against a blood apothecary's spell is 10 + the spell level + the blood apothecary's Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcaster, a blood apothecary can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His daily allotment is given on the table below. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1-1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, PH, Page 8).
A blood apothecary's selection of spells is extremely limited. She begins play knowing the same number of spells a sorcerer of the same level would know. These new spells can be common spells chosen from the sorceror/wizard spell list (PH, page 192), or they can be unusual spells that the blood apothecary has gained some understanding of by study. For example, a blood apothecary with a scroll or spellbook detailing an unusual sorcerer/wizard spell (one not on the sorcerer/wizard spell list in the Player's Handbook) could select that spell as one of his or her new spells for attaining a new level, provided that it is the right spell level. The blood apothecary can't use this method of spell acquisition to learn spells at a faster rate, however.
Unlike a wizard or cleric, a blood apothecary need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spells she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level. For example, at 1st level, the blood apothecary Jack can cast four first level spells per day -- three for being 1st level (see table below), plus one thanks to her Intelligence score of 17 (see Table 1-1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, PH, Page 8). However, she knows only two 1st-level spells: magic missile and charm person. Thus, on any given day, she can cast some combination of the two spells a total of four times. She does not have to decide ahead of time which spells she'll cast.
Brew Potion: A blood apothecary gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat.

The Blood Apothecary

Attack Bonus





Brew Potion



The Exemplar is the avant garde mage; they are the front line of any respectable all-mage army. Their spells are quick, focused bursts that can be released in succession, but pale in comparison to the other mages' spells in power. The exemplar is the elite of trained mages, spending nearly all of their time training from the time they get their powers to the time they're ready to use them.

Strength: d10
Reflex: d10 + 15
Magic: d20 + 15
Soul: d8
Fortitude: d10 + 10
Charm: d20

HP: d20 + 4, gains an additional d10 every level

Skills (Choose 2 at level 1. Gain a new skill every odd numbered level after 1 (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.). Skills can only be purchased once unless otherwise stated.)
Acrobatics - Reflex check to determine success at doing acrobatic stunts, like tumbling or swinging.

Bleed - Touch a foe and make them bleed, taking d4 damage per round and 1 more point of damage from physical attacks. Non-stacking. Requires Crack Armor.

Blind Touch - Blinds target touched enemy for 1 turn per caster level, making them lose 3 to their chance to hit.

Blur - Your body appears blurry to attackers, making them lose 2 to their chance to hit. This enchantment lasts 1 round per level. Requires Blind Touch.

Burning Aura - Foes around you take d4 damage on their turn + 1 per caster level. Enchantment lasts one round per caster level. Requires Burning Hands.

Burning Hands - Touch a foe to deal fire damage. Deals d10 fire damage to target + 1 per level and an additional d6 if target is wearing metal armor.

Climbing - Climb more effectively than others (5% more likely to successfully climb).

Conduction - Regenerate d20 HP per level per turn you are taking heat or cold damage. Requires Frost and Burning Aura.

Crack Armor - Lowers damage resistance of a foe by 1 per level. Non-stacking. Damage resistance cannot be lowered below 0.

Drain Touch - Drains HP from a touched foe. Deals d10 cold damage per level and restores d4 HP per level, but the amount drained cannot exceed the damage dealt. Requires Frost.

Enhanced Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 5 HP increase. Requires 2 ranks of Improved Fortitude.

Fireball - Create a fireball. It flies through the air, doing d4 heat damage per level to anything within a foot as it passes, then explodes near its target to do d10 heat damage per level to all within a 5 foot radius unless they pass a Reflex check for half damage. Requires Burning Aura.

Frost - Freeze a touched foe. Target takes d10 cold damage per level and if it fails a Magic check, it is frozen for 1 turn per caster level.

Hanging - Hang from ledges and move with your hands. Each arm movement required requires a Fortitude check or you'll fall.

Illusionary Weapon - Attack with a phantasmic sword. This sword deals the same damage as a standard longsword, but uses Magic instead of Strength to determine bonuses.

Improved Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 1 HP increase. Can be purchased more than once, gaining an additional + 1 each time it is taken (+1, +2, +3, +4, etc), so if taken 3 times, it gives 6 additional HP ( + 1 + 2 + 3).

Improved Initiative - Get + 4 to initiative rolls.

Induction - Regenerate d20 HP per level per turn you are taking electric damage. Requires Pulse.

Jumping - Jump 50% farther or higher than normal if you pass a Strength check.

Lich Touch - Drains HP from a touched foe. Deals (d10 + 1) damage per level and heals (d6+1) HP, but the amount healed cannot exceed the damage dealt. Requires Drain Touch.

Life Drain - Drains HP from a touched foe, ignoring all damage resistance. Deals (2d10+2) damage per level and heals that much HP, but the amount healed cannot be more than the amount drained. Requires Lich Touch and Piercing Bolt.

Lift - Use magic to lift yourself up from what you're hanging from, so long as you're touching it. Can also be used to lift you to a higher point on a wall. Requires Hanging for hanging and Climbing for climbing. Has no effect on Jumping.

Piercing Bolt - Impale a foe with a spear made of electricity. Deals d20 lightning damage per level and ignores 1 point of damage resistance per level. Can hold the target to the ground or walls if they are 3 feet or less from the target. A target held in this way is held for 1 turn. Requires Pulse and Crack Armor.

Pulse - Send a touched opponent flying. Deals 2d10 damage + 2 per level and pushes foe up to 4 feet per level. Requires Static.

Sliding - Character can slide up to 10 feet on most surfaces, 15 on smooth surfaces, 30 on smooth, wet surfaces (pending a successful Reflex check). Failing the check results in falling.

Soul Drain - Causes Life Drain to drain 3 more HP per level. Requires Life Drain and Fireball.

Sprint - Gain an extra 50% speed in short bursts (for every 10 seconds of sprinting, a Strength check must be made or the sprint cannot continue).

Static - Touch a foe to deal lightning damage. Deals d10 lightning damage to target + 1 per level and d6 lightning damage to all within 1 foot of the target (except the caster). Deals an additional d6 damage to any wearing metal armor within that radius (including the caster).

Vampiric Hunger - All spells that drain HP drain an additional 10% HP (rounded up), so if you drained 24 HP, you would drain an additional 3 HP. Requires Lich Touch.


The Paradigm is the epitome of what a soldier strives to be. They are the first into battle and the last out. They can run into a battle with a knife and have a pile of corpses around them without a scratch on them. They often leave battles looking like a pincushion, but seem unaffected. They are a pillar of strength for all around them.

Strength - d20 + 15
Reflex - d10
Magic - d8
Faith - d20
Fortitude - d10 + 15
Charm - d10 + 10

HP: d20 + 10, gains an additional d20 every level

Skills (Gain one skill at level 1 and a new one at every even level (2, 4, 6, 8, etc. Each skill can be taken only once unless otherwise stated.)
Critical Momentum - Each time you score a critical hit, you gain another attack.

Enhanced Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 5 HP. Requires two ranks of Improved Fortitude.

Improved Criticals - You gain a permanent 3% critical chance bonus.

Improved Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 1 HP. Can be taken more than once. The HP gained from this skill goes up by one each time it is taken, so taking this skill four times gives a total bonus of 10 HP (+1+2+3+4).

Improved Initiative - Gain + 4 to initiative rolls.

Inspire - Gives all nearby allies a morale boost, gaining + 1 to hit rolls and dealing + 1 damage. Requires passing a Charm check.

Iron Flesh - Gain a natural Damage Reduction of 1. Requires Resist Pain.

Marksman - Get + 2 to rolls to hit with a bow.

Piercing Weapon - Your attacks ignore damage reduction, but deal 5% less damage. Requires Suicide Rush.

Regeneration - You heal by 3 HP for each successful hit with an attack or stop bleeding and heal 1 HP. Lost limbs are restored if they are held where they belong and do not take an action, but no HP is restored. Requires Steel Flesh.

Resist Pain - Gain a natural Damage Reduction of 1.

Revenge - If you miss with an attack, you get + 1 to your chance to hit the next time. This bonus stacks, so if you miss 3 attacks, your next attack gets a + 3 to hit.

Speed - You gain an additional attack per turn. Requires Improved Initiative.

Steel Flesh - Gain a natural Damage Reduction of 1. Requires Iron Flesh.

Studded Flesh - Gain a natural Damage Reduction of 1. Requires Iron Flesh.

Spiked Flesh - Gain a natural Damage Reduction of 1. Melee attacks against you deal damage equal to your damage reduction back to the attacker if you have Steel Flesh. Can be used as an attack, dealing normal unarmed damage in addition to your damage reduction bonus. Requires Studded Flesh.

Suicide Rush - If you are surrounded by at least three enemies, damage against you is reduced by your level and you deal additional damage equal to your level with each attack.

Superb Fortitude - Gain a permanent + 8 HP. Requires Enhanced Fortitude.

Weapon Master - Deal + 2 damage with melee weapons.