29 April 2010


Delini are an organic humanoid race that was first discovered by the Igbana around the year 537. They had not yet discovered space travel yet, much less faster-than-light (FTL) travel. The Igbana donated several ships of theirs, though they remained in underground storage bunkers for well over 2000 years, nearly forgotten, because the Delini did not trust the aliens. Thankfully for them, the Delini's ships still functioned after the Gava revolt and were easy enough to learn to fly. They left their planet in search of another that could support them. By the year 3943, they found one; Deshala. However, after nearly a millennium in space, they were not used to the gravity of this planet and had evolved and adapted to life on the ships. They have since adapted to the planet and rarely venture away from it; however, they still live in the ships and maintain a constant population within.

Delini all have short white hair that they bead with various-colored beads and do not wash. However, their body has adapted to clean it with acidic oils excreted from their scalps. They have weak bones from the limited gravity of space, though they are slowly adapting to it. They are a squat people and do not differ physically except for genitals and mammary glands, which are the same as humans'. They have a slight greenish tint to their pale skin, though it has begun to darken since they landed on this planet. Their eyes are either a cold blue or a light brown, but never both. Their clothing consists of very colorful and ornately designed shirts and skirts (for both genders). In Deshala's harsh winters, they go into hibernation (which they did before they landed, only the urge is stronger and they sleep for a much longer period now) within the ships, with a few that resist it to protect the rest. The ones who stay awake wear furs similar to ancient Mongols, if not exactly alike. Delini do not grow facial hair, but do store a lot of fat in their bodies during the winter, nearly doubling their weight (though this isn't saying much; the average "summer weight" of a female Delini is 60 lbs, with a winter weight around 110 lbs). This fat burns off as they hibernate (or, if they stay awake, it burns off as they fast).

Delini eat only the grasses of Deshala. They have sharp front teeth, though most of their molar-like teeth have very sharp ridges as well. Their previous diet was very similar and they had grown the grass of their home world hydroponically within the ship (and still do, though this is now mostly eaten just after they wake up from hibernation.

Delini have a moderately strong immune system, though they can get several diseases similar to common human ones, and are prone to picking up viruses in their new world. These new viruses are not well understood yet and are therefore difficult for them to treat, especially since medicines and vaccines are difficult to develop when you lack the tools.

Delini only have an individual name, though they attach nicknames to the end to be more specific. For example, if one were named Hilae, to make them more individualized, they'd be Hilae of the Grasses or Hilae Sungazer. These are only examples and do not take into account the language of the Delini.

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