26 April 2011

Pentru Sora Mea Mai Mică

This is for my little sister, since she wants to try tabletop gaming and a simple system has to be better than something complicated (not that this will be excessively simple).

Roll Stats

Roll a six sided die (1d6) for each of the following traits:

Choose Traits

Pick one of the following traits for each point of the Mind stat plus the Hope stat.
Muscular - Increases Strength by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6.
Healthy - Increases Health by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6.
Agile - Increases Agility by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6.
Fast - Increases Quickness by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6.
Smart - Increases Mind by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6. Does not give more trait points.
Hopeful - Increases Hope by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6. Does not give more trait points.
Charming - Increases Charm by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6.
Perceptive - Increases Acuity by one. Stats cannot be higher than 6.
Persuasion - Gives an extra roll to persuade people (explained later).
Terrify - Gives an extra roll to scare people. (explained later).
Brawler - Gives an extra combat roll if fighting hand-to-hand or with a close range weapon (explained later).
Archer - Gives an extra combat roll if fighting from a distance (explained later). Applies to all ranged attacks, including magic and guns.
Resistant - Allows one extra wound per body part (explained later)
Bloodlust - Raises Quickness by 1 for each turn of combat (not permanent, explained later)
Arcane Background - There is more than one type of arcane background. Characters can only have one arcane background. Choose from the following. Allows trait points to be spent on spells in the appropriate background.

  • Healer - Gives access to Healing spells.
  • Caster - Gives access to Elemental spells
  • Hexer - Gives access to Hex spells
  • Blesser - Gives access to Blessings
Brave - Gives an extra roll to resist fear with Hope checks.
Artist - Can draw well.
Writer - Can write well.
Chef - Can cook well.

Money and Equipment

You start with 250s (s is the currency. That's the whole word for it.) to buy whatever you need. You get one standard outfit (Pants/Skirt, Shirt, Socks, Shoes)

-Pants/Skirt - 2s
-Pants/Skirt, Dress - 6s
-Shirt - 1s
-Shirt, Dress - 3s
-Dress - 5s
-Dress, Fancy - 10s
-Socks - 1s
-Stockings - 2s
-Shoes - 3s
-Boots - 4s
-Hat (specify style when you write it) - 1s
-Glasses - 5s
-Bandanna - 1s
-Hospital Mask - 1s

-Cloth Gloves - 2s
-Leather Gloves - 3s

-Knife - 1s - Causes 1 wound. Can be thrown.
-Gun - 15s - Causes 3 wounds
--Bullet (for 20) - 3s
-Bow - 4s - Causes 2 wounds
--Arrow (for 5) - 1s

-Bacon (1 meal's worth) - 1s
-Lettuce (1 meal's worth) - 1s
-Bottle of Water (2 meals' worth) - 1s
-Juice Box (1 meals' worth) - 1s
-Bottle of Juice (2 meals' worth) - 2s
-Loaf of Bread (3 meals' worth) - 2s
-Spices (10 meals' worth) - 3s
-Herbs (10 meals' worth) - 3s
-Wine (Bottle) - 10s

-Backpack - 8s
-Messenger Bag - 8s
-Watch, cheap - 3s
-Watch, fancy - 5s
-Pencil/Pen - 1s
-Notebook - 2s
-Deck of Cards - 1s
-Deck of Cards, Specialty* - 3s
-Frying Pan - 2s

*Specialty decks have a special print on them that makes them different from the common decks. There's nothing special about them statistically, they really just look different.

Don't forget a name!

How To Do Things

Just say what you want to do. Don't say if it succeeds unless there's no chance it would fail. If you're in a non-combat situation and all you're doing is walking over to someone and talking to them, you can do that. If you try to convince them to leave the door they're guarding, you'd do a Charm roll.

The rolls for stats are the number of dice you get to roll to try to get the target number for whatever you're trying to do. The target number wont always be the same. Harder tasks have harder targets to get. For example, trying to hit someone standing still at 20 yards with a gun may have a target number (TN) of 9. If your Acuity is 3, roll 3 6-sided dice (3d6) and use the highest. If the highest is 6, roll one more time for each six you rolled and add it to the original. Repeat until you don't have a 6.

So, let's say you rolled 3d6 and got 3, 1, and 6. You roll one more time and get a 3. Adding these together gets a 9, which would succeed. Now, lets say you got two sixes that first time (like 6, 3, and 6). You roll two more times, adding the first roll to the first six and second to the second. Say the second rolls were 2 and 6. Adding those gets 8 and 12, but you're not done, since you got another 6. You would add whatever you rolled the next time to the roll that got the 6, so a roll of 4 after that would add to the 12, giving a result of 16.

In addition to the target number, there's also a critical success number (CSN). This is generally twice the target number and makes the result even more successful. So for the above example, if your rolls were to add to 18 or higher, your damage with the gunshot would increase.

In combat, turn order is determined by quickness rolls, with the highest roll going first.

Some rolls, like Persuasion and Terrify, require opposed rolls. To persuade someone, you would roll your Charm roll versus their Mind roll. To terrify, it's whatever roll is appropriate for what you're doing versus their Hope roll.

How Wounds Works

When you take damage from an attack (wounds), it goes to whatever body part was hit. Each body part can take up to 6 points of damage. The body parts are:

  • Head
  • Throat
  • Torso
  • Left/Right Arm
  • Left/Right Leg

Taking 6 points of damage to an arm or leg causes them to lose that arm or leg. To the head, throat, or torso kills your character.

Healing Spells (Arcane Background: Healer)

A healer can cast a total number of spells equal to their Hope number until they rest, gaining one spell per hour resting. For example, your Hope may be a 4. That means you can cast 4 spells per day. If you cast Mend 3 twice (so you can cast two more that day), then rest for an hour, you can cast 3 more spells. Healer spells succeed, no matter what, if they can.

Mend: Removes one wound.
Mend 2: Requires and replaces Mend. Removes two wounds.
Mend 3: Requires and replaces Mend 2. Removes three wounds.
Mend 4: Requires and replaces Mend 3. Removes four wounds.
Mend 5: Requires and replaces Mend 4. Removes five wounds.
Regenerate: Requires Mend 5. Restores a lost limb. Takes 24 hours. This limb starts with a wound level of 5.
Animate: Requires Regenerate. Removes one wound from a dead character, bringing them back to life. This counts as two spells.

Elemental Spells (Arcane Background: Caster)

Casters can cast as many spells as they want, but they have to make an Acuity roll, opposed by the target's Agility roll. So if you roll 3d6 and get 2, 4, 2, and they roll 2d6 and get 3, 5, the target avoids it.

Burn: Causes one wound from fire damage.
Frost: Causes one wound from ice damage.
Move: Causes the ground to change its shape. The exact amount of change and the size of the area changed is greater for more points of Mind. This can be used to block paths, make it harder to run, or erase a trail, among other things.
Gust: Forces everyone in a path from the caster back if they're under 150 lbs (68 kg). The path is longer and the weight goes up with higher Mind.
Pierce: A spike of earth shoots up from a natural surface, causing 1 wound wherever it hits if it hits. This spike stays after the spell's effect ends, but it's just dirt then, so it can fall. The height of the spike is higher with higher mind.
Assist: Raises quickness by 1 for each point of Mind for the target.
Focus: Makes the next spell twice as effective.

Hexes (Arcane Background: Hexer)

Hexes have a 50% chance of success. They can be used any number of times, but only in combat.

Soul Bond: For each two wounds you get, the person with this hex on them gains one. This hex lasts five turns.
Keep Still!: The one hexed with this loses one combat action. It only lasts for that action.
Move!: Lifts the hexed out of the hexer's way.
Plague: The one hexed with this loses two points of Health over 2 turns. After all three points are lost, it ends two turns later. If it lowers Health to 0, the target dies. This effect does not stack, so casting it twice won't lower Health by 4.
Intoxicating Touch: Touch the target, and the hex makes them lose a point each of Agility, Quickness, Mind, and Acuity. This lasts for two turns.
What's That?: The hexed turns around and can't defend themselves. This only works once in a fight, so use it wisely.
Paranoia: Lowers the hexed's Hope by 2. The effect is instant, but if it brings Hope to 0, the target flees.

Blessings (pending) (Arcane Background: Blesser)

Blessings have a 100% chance of success and can be used at any time, but they require the blesser to take a wound somewhere. They can also not be used on the sacrificed location of the blesser using them. So a blesser can use Divine Weapon on their right arm if they sacrifice on their left, but not their right.

Fix: Removes 2 wounds over two turns. This effect stacks. Requires the blesser to take a leg wound.
Protect: Protects the blessed from two wounds. Requires the blesser to take a head wound.
Perfection!: Raises all the blessed's stats to 6. Requires the blesser to take two wounds to the torso.
Divine Weapon: For the rest of battle, the blessed gets a sword that causes 3 wounds per hit. Requires the blesser to take two arm wounds.
Luck: The blessed cannot miss unless the target of their attack has some way of preventing it. Requires the blesser to take a throat wound.
Resurrect: Brings a recently dead target back to life at the cost of one of the blesser's arms or legs. The resurrected has no wounds and is fully healed.
Glue: Negates a wound for the blessed if they would lose that limb from that wound. Lasts for one wound or 3 hours, whichever happens first.

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