06 October 2010


Fertii (sing. Fertiu (m) and Fertia (f)) travel in migrating packs. The leader of the pack is bred as leader and run in dynasties, having evolved as superior breeds that differ in color from the rest. It's the same for every other part of the herd; each is specialized to a particular variety of tasks. For example, the soldier breed, fertius militis, have tougher flesh and bigger arms and legs. The soldiers are becoming increasingly rarer, as the leaders, fertius imperator, collectively chose to become more peaceful with each other, which the soldiers had been specifically bred for. Instead, they began breeding them as scavengers, leaving only a few soldier families.

Fertii all have the same coloration, with the exception of hunters; their backs are cockroach brown, and their undersides are a much lighter tan. They all have fairly hard shells, save for their joints (which are about like the joints of a crab's legs), and the centers of their abdomens and thoraxes. Their eyes are black, regardless of species, composed of a ring of compound eyes around large central eyes, like those of a wasp. The shape of their bodies is directly between that of a tarantula and a praying mantis, with their thorax up between 70 and 80 degrees.

Fertii breed very quickly, in the same manner as cockroaches, travelling in Houses of 40-50. Houses choose a new name once formed, and names of individuals are chosen by parents, and listed as "[Name] of House [Current House]", with the most common names being big cats for F. Imperator, breeds of dogs for F. Militis, birds for F. Messor, snakes for F. Sectator, and regular human names for F. Legatus (leaning more towards those that are easy to pronounce for humans).

F. Imperator (Emperor Fertii) act as leaders and have vast knowledge of the world and how things work. They are also faster learners than any other species, usually learning a new idea the first time they experience it. There are three emperors; an Emperor, an Empress, and a Prince or Princess. The prince or princess breeds with the princess or prince in another pack and forms a new pack, with each taking a few others with them from their initial pack. When the new pack is formed, the typical group contains two ambassadors and 10% of each other group, as well as the emperor and empress. Emperors have short arms and legs and their heads connect directly to their bodies. Their brain is larger than that of most other races and their skin is extremely tough, yet pliable and light. They also appear slightly more humanoid (though not by much) than all but F. Legatus.

F. Militis (Soldier Fertii) act as soldiers in wars, though they are slowly being bred into scavengers.

F. Messor (Scavenger Fertii) search for usable materials and food when it is needed. They have three pairs of long, daddy-longlegs-spider-like legs in the rear, and a pair of pincer-like claws, with 3 "fingers" on each. Head is mildly antlike, with equally antlike antennae used as the primary sense organ, and used for touch. Vision is not strong, despite their wasp-like eyes, and they have practically no hearing, save for their ability to sense the vibrations of speech in their antennae for anyone within about twenty feet.

F. Sectator (Hunter Fertii) hunt animals to eat. They also act as police and executioners. The colors of hunters appear more like brown, leaf-like camouflage patterns than the usual ones.

F. Legatus (Ambassador Fertii) speak for emperors. They act as both messengers and ambassadors. Every pack has at least five. Ambassadors appear almost like humans, with a minimal abdomen and extended thorax with a vaguely chest-like shape. Their "hands" are more hand-like in the positions of their pincers, and are jointed, unlike any other species.


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