24 June 2010

Matyar and Arva

The Matyar are a nomadic race of insects. They move with their herds of Arva all across the plains of the continent. They are very social among their own kind, but suspicious of other races, especially humans and races that look like them (except Nyane, which they adore).

Matyar are similar to a giant praying mantis in structure, but not overall the same. Internally, there is little difference. Externally, the differences are clearly visible. Other than size alone (females grow up to 13 feet tall, mostly from leg height, and males grow up to 10 feet tall), matyar also have 6 walking legs and four scythe-like claws. They have evolved to use one set like a shepherd's crook from thousands of years of herding and the other set is used as weapons or other arm-like uses. Their heads are exactly like those of ants, but with a cockroach's long antennae (each has antennae exactly equal to their height).

Matyar are somewhat intelligent, but not as intelligent as most other races. They have developed simple tools and can use most devices given to them as long as they don't require incredibly difficult combinations of button presses to use (such as password protection with a password that's longer than 4 characters). If it's too difficult, they'll abandon it on the ground. They are incapable of playing games with complicated rules, but games with simple rules they can play for hours. They enjoy patterns and use them as often as possible as tools for memorization.

Matyar eat only Arva, as their migrant nature doesn't allow planting and they believe that you should only eat when you are ready to watch your food die for you (which is literally what happens, as Arva can die on command and are perfectly willing to do so for their Matyar masters).


Arva are similar to cows, except with red, lobster-like exoskeletons. They also have a series of three slits, one on either side and one underneath, that they open when they are ordered to die by the Matyar. When these open, all their internal organs and muscles are expelled out, leaving an empty husk. Most races find this entirely disgusting. One Arva can feed an entire tribe of Matyar for a year, as they eat almost nothing. Arva, on the other hand, need grasses that only grow in specific Matyar nomadic stops. Arva have the intelligence of the average dog and are occasionally stolen by those who do not think they should be eaten or mind-controlled to kill themselves (though it was them who did it to feed the Matyar originally thousands of years ago) to keep as pets. These kidnappers usually end up triggering the Arva "suicide response" not long after they take them in.


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