02 May 2010


Kalo are a highly adventurous humanoid race. They are the most hated of all races, but no other races will harm them for the stigma they carry. Humans believe they could be angels, Aberil believe they are messengers of Seimuz, Consati legends tell of an ancient race that gave them life from the soil, and they don't harm the Dar Mien and therefore the Dar Mien accept them.

Kalo are known for their fine garments and extremely ornate masks. What is behind these outfits is a mystery, as they always wear their masks and several layers of silk. The basic mask is a simple covering the shape of a human face, but without holes for the eyes. The nose of the mask is open on the bottom, but somehow, no light enters at any angle. The rest of their head is tightly wrapped in linen that appears to wrap around their head, even under the mask. The mask is held on with a series of leather straps that wrap around the head from the top, bottom, and sides of the mask. The straps from the top and sides connect in the back, as well as a pair of straps that connect to the middle of the bottom strap, which in turn connects to a belt on the neck. Most of these straps aren't visible in females, as they wear an assortment of silks around the rest of what covers their heads, leaving the mask uncovered, of course. Other races may identify individual Kalo by their masks, which bear family and individual insignia, though it is unconfirmed how they identify each other without being able to see. It is assumed that Kalo have a limited form of clairvoyance which allows them to see through the mask, but they refuse to speak of it. The rest of their bodies appears to be human, with the exception of the metal-framed bird wings that sprout out of their backs. These wings are generally used as something like an armored cloak that they drape over their shoulders when not in use.

It is assumed that they reproduce like humans, as their physical structure shows, but they do not discuss reproduction with outsiders and no non-Kalo has seen them in their unwrapped state.

While Kalo are less intelligent than most races, they are inventive and have technology that is on par or even more advanced than that of humans; the more mechanical the process, the more developed it is by the Kalo. They tend to use the most advanced weapons and armor that they wear over linen and under silk when they feel the need to go to battle. Fighting is rare, as they spend much time tinkering and what little time is left, they spend sleeping.

Kalo do not eat normal foods. They instead get their energy from others. They drain hope and wishes and in return, they offer gifts to the ones they drain from (unless the one being drained offers it for free or are taken as a slave). It isn't hard for them to drain from humans who have never heard of Kalo, as they believe them to be angels.

Though they don't eat normal foods, they have a black market for human foods, though even most Kalo are afraid to enter the usually dark, underground locations where the stalls are (though they are illegal, they are overlooked by the government, as they don't affect Kalo). They sell something similar to a granola bar, but is packed with nutrients and has a slight dirt flavor. They also sell a violet, glowing liquid that is made from fruit grown in their capital. It is also rich in nutrients and tastes sweet. Both of these are fully digested by most humans and leave no waste, which is convenient, as Kalo have no restrooms. They purchase the food and beverages with "waste" energy (which can be "digested" by another), which looks like glowing worms. The black market Kalo have a distinct marking in the corner of their mask if they've been caught (though the punishment for being a human food vendor is far from severe).

Kalo homes are giant skyscrapers with each floor surrounded by balconies with no rails. There are no stairs, as the Kalo fly directly to their homes. These balconies connect to the insides of their homes through giant, open arches. Inside, there is a single, open room, often with no furniture or decorations. There are hidden closets in the walls that magically seal when closed so they are invisible to anyone but Kalo (who do not steal from each other). Inside these closets are ceremonial outfits, slave outfits (if they have slaves), and anything they use for hobbies. Some Kalo are fond of painting and their homes are decorated, floor and ceiling included, with colorful paintings, usually landscapes that had a deep, happy connection to everyone they've drained.

There is also a hidden decontamination room that sanitizes them and removes dry contents from their bodies. These rooms are also safe for humans to use, though this is incredibly rare.

Kalo have a tendency to break moral laws as they pass through human settlements, meaning that they have almost no rights within. Humans are legally allowed to kill them, but most fear that there is a chance they could be angels, so can't will themselves to do it.

Almost no race approves of their practice of slavery. Kalo take the homeless and near-dead to their homeland, where they either help them, then take them as slaves, or kill them if they do not seem fit enough for work. Sometimes, they simply take them for the sole purpose of draining from them. If this is the case, they will feed them chocolate.

Kalo play on human greed, Consati pride, and Aberil faith. They offer humans vast amounts of money for their hopes and wishes, but the money vanishes within the next twenty-four hours. How it disappears is not within the Kalo's control, but making it disappear is. They insult the Consati until the Consati are provoked enough to offer them their dreams. Aberil are more than happy to give the Kalo their hopes, believing they are messengers of Seimuz and will take the messages directly to him. This is why the only races they are legally allowed to live amongst are the Aberil (though the Kalo have no urge to) and the Dar Mien (who will accept anyone who isn't harming them or their city and are also a race the Kalo cannot drain from).

Kalo are able to learn many Puissant abilities whether they are Puissants or not because of their natural abilities. Much of the time, they are Revenants who focus on Puissant abilities. They have Gravetenders, but they don't follow the usual rules because of the long lives of the Kalo; they are more likely to leave the village. Darkenings are fairly common as well as Conduits, but Revenants have the most to gain from the Puissant abilities.

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