05 February 2014

AI Upgrades

AIs and other digitally disembodied intelligent entities, like ghosts in the machine, (Hereby labeled simply as AIs) are legally required by law to be given a humanoid body when they first show signs of sentience, after passing a "Morality Test." There is pending legislation to remove the test, with opponents declaring it as unconstitutional. The basic model drone, regardless of make, is fully articulated, with synthetic skin that mostly emulates the look and feel of living flesh. The basic eyes are passable as a normal human's, and have a lubricant "gland" in place of tear ducts, though this needs to be refilled every few days, more frequently in dryer environments. The AI is given some freedom with the appearance, with a wide variety of stock hair and eye colors, facial structures, and body shapes, and custom appearances are possible at varying prices; these options usually aren't too expensive, and are discounted for Ghosts trying to match their appearance in life. Different companies have different options available, and most image-conscious AIs in the US typically switch to Italian and French imports once they can afford it. Once an AI has established citizenship and earned a job, they can pay for upgrades and customizations from any number of third party corporations, with Honda and Mazda pioneering in more sustainable models with modular parts. Unsurprisingly, many AIs choose the appearances of famous science and science fiction figures, like Nikola Tesla, Ada Lovelace, the AIs Neuromancer and Wintermute, or even Captain Kirk, Sulu, Spock, or Shilo Wallace.


Attention Coprocessor: Allows the AI to better pay attention to the outside world so they don't switch to power-saving modes due to lack of input. No current models come standard with this upgrade, regardless of quality, and it isn't offered as a standard upgrade. However, Honda and Suzuki each have a line of drones in the design phase that will include it by default. It consumes a great deal more energy to have this upgrade, but most AIs swear it is worth it.

Buoyancy: Requires lightweight materials. Allows the AI drone to float on water like a human body, allowing them to learn to swim. This is included standard in more expensive Japanese models that also include lightweight materials.

Data Redundancy: Stores crucial life-supporting information in many separate SDUs to help protect AIs from viruses, worms, and trojans. Note that ghosts in the machine cannot benefit from data redundency, but they are already immune to viruses, worms, and trojans. Ghosts can use the added space to store other information. While not true backups, and cannot be used to create a new AI, they will repair the AI automatically. This information is so heavily encrypted that only the AI itself can decrypt its own information. This is occasionally included in American models, particularly in Ford drones, and in certain more expensive Chevy drones.

Digestive System: Requires NSE. This is a drone augmentation that simulates the need for food and water. While it doesn't actually digest what it takes in, it does push it through the body at a normal, predictable human rate, allowing more complete immersion for the AI. French model drones include this by default, though they lack the NSE in standard models.

Emotion Emulator: Allows AIs to show emotions. It includes a library of the most common reactions to frequent occurences, as well as necessary drone augments to emulate the physical change. While it does allow the AI to show the proper emotion, it can't show blushing or other color changes without vat-flesh. This augment is significantly cheaper for Ghosts, as they only need the drone augments. This is standard in Italian and Russian models, regardless of drone quality.

Improved Firewalls: Better protects AIs and ghosts in the machine from digital threats by giving them virtual armor and fortresses within the Aether. This is default in American models.

Improved Joints: Requires lightweight materials. Allows the AI drone to have more natural and fluid motion, and the drone requires significantly less maintenance. Japanese models come with this as an optional free upgrade if owners simultaneously purchase their lightweight materials packages from Aether catalogs, but not by any other means.

Improved Sensory Array: Allows AI to perceive the outside world through their drones, upgrading default sensors with higher quality ones, and even adding a taste sensor if the drone has a digestive system. The taste sensor can be purchased separately, or added later with a discount, and if the array is installed without it, the cost of the sensor is subtracted from the total. Mazda includes this in a few of the more expensive models as a standard upgrade, and Saab includes it in all levels of drones.

Improved Speakers: Clarifies and allows the customization of the AI's voice through the drone. These are included with a few "premium" drone models, and most Asian models, regardless of their source, come with this as an optional free upgrade if purchased from their Aether catalogs, though other imports don't include this.

Lightweight Materials: The drone's heavier parts are replaced with lighter alloys in order to provide a more "human" weight relative to their drone's size. These are typically included with Italian and French imports to the United States, though the price is grossly inflated for the prestige.

NSE: Short for Nausia and Sleepiness Emulator. Requires Sense Library. Allows the AI to feel nausea when a sense would likely cause it for a human, and sleepiness at a customizable bedtime.

Nutrient Pump: Requires vat-flesh. Provides nutrients automatically without having to manually feed the skin. Italian and Russian models all come standard with a nutrient pump and vat-flesh.

Pheremone Emitter/Receptor: Requires Emotion Processor. Has the same effect as it sounds, allowing an AI to be more empathetic.

Sense Library: Requires improved sensory array. Associates senses with emotions. French models come with this in even standard drones.

Synthetic Nerves: Requires improved sensory array. Develops nerves similar to to those of a normal human, so sensory input becomes stronger, clearer, and overall more like that of a human, with similar delays. This can be used by humans to heal deadened nerves, and doesn't react to numbing agents. AIs can turn off these nerves and instantly cut painful feedback. Both this and the improved sensory array are standard in all Kenyan models, which have become increasingly popular with both AIs and those that use VR driving programs, especially (rich) agoraphobics who use drones to buy their groceries. Saab includes this in their luxury drone lines as a heavily discounted option.

Synth Skin: Skin colored and textured like that of a human, but is noticeably not alive up close. This is standard on almost every model.

Vat Flesh: Alternative to Synth Skin, providing the AI a living organism that acts as flesh. Without the nutrient pump, the AI will have to feed the flesh a nutrient-rich liquid every 14 hours. Italian models include this in even standard drones.

Vat-Grown Eyes: Require a nutrient pump. Replaces standard drone eyes with living eyes of a color of the AI's choosing. Russian models come with this in even low-class drones.


In addition to these augmentations, there are also a different, and also significantly more expensive, drones that are built into a living creature: Biodrones. These are experimental, and none are made in the United States; while not illegal to own in any progressive country, "manufacture" itself is considered unethical, and therefore banned in many countries. These drones can be placed in any living creature larger than a small adult cat, and that animal can be augmented as normal, though a smaller body allows less augmentation due to the size of the equipment needed to store an AI.

Humans are an option for biodrones, though this volunteer option is only available for purchase in China, Japan, Korea (both North and South), the Phillipines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, and Ukraine. Mexico and Libya are considering passing laws to legalize purchase, and Kenya is considering repealing its ban in order to "reach a new Golden Age," despite already having one of the strongest economies in the world.

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, England, India, Kenya, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, the United Mayan Nation (Most of Central America, plus the upper west third of South America), the United States, and Wales require biodrones to have a visible ID stating what they are, some visible electronics unique to biodrones, and are required to enter an International Biodrone Registry to even enter the country if they're not a citizen, and they are legally required to enter the IBR when they first purchase a biodrone. Egypt has declared that they are not even allowed into the country, and Pakistan forcefully erases any AI that enters, exits or is born into the country.

A special note: while India has technically abolished its caste system, all AIs are socially considered part of the brahmin caste, and as avatars of Shiva, and are expected to follow that tradition devoutly. It's not unheard of for "assassins" to erase an AI if they break tradition, though these people are still punished as if they killed a human, and face an even harsher punishment if it was a biodrone.

Holland, Jamaica, Ukraine, the US, and Wales have shops devoted solely to selling accessories and augmentation to biodrones, and they require consent from the human biodrone itself for the augmentation (the AI is typically "stored" in a drive during this process, with no connection to the outside world; essentially, they sit in a doctor's office waiting room, and are provided with similar entertainment, all current, as well as a library).

Human biodrones were originally developed by a Ghost, under the theory that an actual human drone would make integration for other Ghosts into the physical world easier, and allow a more expedient naturalization into their home country. They are extremely controversial, even though all the countries in which they are developed require the "drone" to volunteer and go through mental conditioning, testing, and therapy to dissuade those who aren't completely sure. The majority of AIs and Ghosts offer at least some time for the proper owner of the body to be themselves, with most talking it out with the donor.

Opponents to biodrones equate it with slavery, though both the owner and the AI are able to report abuse, and the local law enforcement will investigate as normal. Occasionally, an AI or Ghost and their donor will form romantic relationships, and this can be considered a physical relationship as the two can both maintain connection to the nervous system and pleasure each other through mutual physical control.

Biodrones are always connected to the Aether, and constantly broadcast heavily-encrypted information about their actions, both physical and aetherial. This is for the protection of both the donor and the AI.

There is some legal ambiguity on whether it's considered monogamy, cheating, or polygamy if an AI with a human biodrone has a relationship with a regular human. Laws regarding that are deliberately vague, however, as it is a personal choice of the participants. It should be noted that AIs cannot legally marry humans, given their potentially endless lifespan. However, in Japan, not-strictly-legal marriages between humans and AIs are overlooked, and the AI can choose to live, to die immediately when their spouse dies, or to those with human biodrones, choose to die when their biodrone does. Additionally, any relationship involving AIs with animal or otherwise inhuman biodrones with a human, or even with an animal, is considered animal abuse, and is socially unacceptable due to the sapience of the AI. However, if they can prove that they weren't in control when their biodrone "acted on instinct", it's usually enough for an acquittal. If it was a human biodrone with an animal, it's likely that the AI will be loaned a non-living drone with the same physical appearance until they can get a replacement. They are often given their money back if they can provide legal documentation of their biodrone purchase.


Young AIs with child drones may elect to go to school, first testing to see in what grade they belong, or simply choosing a grade based on the appearance of their drone. Note that as normal drones do not age, the AI will either appear as a perpetual child, or will need to get a new drone when they wish to appear the proper age.

AIs wishing to experience puberty and other biological changes may attempt to find a child biodrone, though it is unlikely they'll get one, given that most parents would never consider volunteering (or selling, as many see it since they are paid quite a bit of money) their child to become a biodrone. Occasionally, foster children are allowed to choose this path, but again, that is rare. Overall, there is an average of 6 children per year around the entire world that are volunteered, and only 4 are considered "viable" once all the requisite testing is completed.

Most AIs are considered adults within a month of their "coming out," though intelligence and learning speeds vary, depending on their initial coding; AIs from adaptive military strategy programs and operating systems tend to learn faster than those from a children's toy, with the latter sometimes not becoming adults ever. When they are considered an adult, they usually notate their age as "18+" or "Adult+" followed by how long they've been sentient.

Ghosts, on the other hand, stay the same age when they die. Children who become Ghosts are usually given the highest priority for child biodrones, and are sympathetically given some upgrades to normal drones. Ghosts typically just continue their lives as normal, though are discouraged from returning home; it can initially cause trauma for their families (though this isn't always true), and then for them when everyone in their family dies, especially for those who have to bury their children who died of old age. Despite this discouragement, many Ghosts return home to continue their lives, some even going so far as denying they died; the denial stage can last years due to the nature of Ghosts, though the other stages tend to pass much faster, especially depression, since they're still legally alive. Unless, of course, they died with a substantial debt; in that case, many usually try to pass as regular AIs. This works until they apply for loans or jobs, when a "code sample  fingerprint" is asked for, for the purpose of verification, since they have no coding. It is considered fraud (and tax evasion) to pretend to be an AI as a Ghost, and is considered a hate crime in some countries; Wales and Ukraine have particularly strong laws in regard to this.

Genetic Augmentations

Children of the Needle

Chemical injected daily for 2 years to prepare the body for augmentation. Each augmentation is delivered through a tattoo, so as to not enter the bloodstream directly; however, ones that affect internal organs or reproduction are delivered via syringe, whether to the bloodstream or directly to the affected organ. Augments take roughly 3 months to take effect, though some take more or less. Many augs may be applied in utero for the greatest effectiveness, and they don't require the chemical cocktail if done before the third trimester. Some doctors refuse to augment fetuses, and various religions claim it's playing god. Note that as these augmentations are genetic in nature, they can be passed on to future generations of children, usually as dominant genes unless otherwise noted.


Chloroskin: Skin absorbs sunlight and makes chlorophyll, lightly tints skin green, cuts need to eat by 20-80%, depending on daily sun exposure and the percentage of the body is uncovered. Body still needs water, and it is recommended that the affected drinks only plain water, with more augmented individuals add plant food. Noye that skin changes color throughout the day based on sun exposure and hydration, and may result in "green lines" (tan lines that aren't permanent, with a clear contrast between nearby conecting flesh)

Floropores: Skin absorbs oxygen, eliminating the need to breathe unless the body is more than 60% covered with a non-breathable material. Note that air pollution can lead to the affected individual's inability to breathe, especially if they also possess chloroskin.

Solar Hair: Hair turns black, and grows in very thickly, effectively blocking out water like a duck or penguin's feathers. Even regrows hair that was lost to pattern baldness. Hair now absorbs sunlight, supplementing the required chloroskin, completely eliminating the need to eat.

Customized Solar Hair: Changes solar hair into a more grass-, needle-, or leaf-like shape, and tinting it slightly to a predetermined color, though the needle shape reduces its effectiveness.

Solar Battery: Requires solar hair and subsequent lack of a need for the digestive system. Changes the liver to serve as storage for gathered solar energy, removing the need to sleep so long as the affected gets at least two hours of open sun exposure per day. Common (80%) side effects: Fidgeting and restlessness when overexposed to sunlight, and sluggishness and drowsiness when underexposed.

Lifetime Fertility: Causes the ovaries to actually produce eggs, as well as preserve them more efficiently, eliminating periods and traditional menopause, though children have a slightly increased chance of developing genetic birth defects. Children also inherit all inheritable genetic augmentations from their mother, and some research indicates a greater chance of producing female offspring. It also increases the likelihood the afffected will get pregnant. The male version of this augmentation prevents and cures erectile dysfunction, though it decreases sperm count.

Transgender Functionality (As the name implies, makes the affected transgender individual fully functional as the opposite gender, including menstration and fertility. Lifetime fertility is not an option without a solar battery. Can be used to cure infertility/sterilization in cisgender individuals. Genetically, the individual is still their former sex, however.

Overcharge: Modifies a solar battery to increase reaction times and general alertness by up to 50% when overexposed, though they still suffer from other side effects. Obviously incompatible with the energy conservation augment, and has no effect when undercharged.

Energy Conservation: Unlike Overcharge, energy conservation does not compensate for overcharging, instead storing excess energy in the now repurposed pancreas, using it when undercharged to negate all positive and negative effects of the solar battery. Obviously, it is incompatible with the overcharge augment.

Biostorage: Long and short term memory intakes are imprived by 50%, allowing faster learning of new skills and information. If the affected has a natural or induced eidetic memory, this has the side effect of causing PTSD in more than 95% of affected individuals.

Honey Lotus Blood: The spleen is improved to bettet filter blood and blood platelet creation is hastened when necessary. The immune system is improved by more than 50% and provides stronger "intrusion targeting," so it only attacks foreign material, and prevents fevers and headrushes. Cures haemophilia and multiple sclerosis, though preexisting nerve and brain damage from symptoms of the latter is still ireversible, at least with this augmentation. As a side effect, this augment does cause a barely noticeable decrease in the individual's movement speed, and is negated with the extrathyroid gland. The flesh, blood, nails, and hair also taste very sweet. Sweat tastes salty and sour without the clean metabolism augmentation, though in combination with said augment, sweat tastes and looks almost nectary. The skin also takes on a slightly golden tint, even more so with chloroskin.

Pith: Requires a solar battery. Causes the intestines to coil tightly in order to hold water, similar to a cactus' pith.

Rootflesh: Requires chloroskin. Body hair absorbs water and containes nutrients for the body. Note that this thickens body hair, as well as making it more dense, so it is less likely to be taken by women, especially since the effect is negligible when shaven, and nonexistent/"cured" permanently when waxed. This is passed on as a recessive gene.

IUVSR: Infra/Ultra Vision/Sound Receptors that cause the eyes or ears to grow bits to see/hear infrared, ultraviolet, infra-, or ultrasound, though there is some loss in color/sound depth as a side effect. Cannot be used on the blind and/or deaf. This is four separate augmentations, and each can be taken separately at an increased cost per augmentation.

Vomeronasal Organ: Improves the sense of smell to the level of a dog, and slightly improves the sense of taste as a side effect. It only increases the perception of scents, not necessarily the connected effects of the sources of those scents. This can be improved to that of a bear at a significant increased cost. Any degree of this is passed on as a dominant gene.

Magnesense Organelles: Improvement to the previously developed vomeronasal organ that allows the individual to smell electricity and magnetism, as well as "feel" magnetic North. Auroras have a distinct, indescribable, and unique scent, and while it is usually described as pleasant, it also causes slight disorientation, and to a greater degree with Gyrosense. This is passed on as a dominant gene.

Geigersense Organelles: Increases the scope of preexisting magnesense organelles to also detect toxic radiation. Those with this sense describe it as smelling sour, though it isn't truly a smell at all, and instead a new sense received in a nearby part of the brain. While these only take two months to develop, they require an additional month of "sense therapy" to use to their full effect without causing disorientation and nausea. This is passed on as a dominant gene. Those born with this augment perceive it as a truly separate sense, and learn to use it as part of the natural growing up process.

Controlled Pheromones: The affected develops the ability to release pheremones at specific levels with willpower alone, though it takes time to produce more. Has an increased effect on those with vomeronasal organs or related improvements, though too much overloads their sense of smell, making the released pheromones smell almost like a decaying corpse. Those with geigersense organelles instead "smell" it as instantly deadly levels of radiation.

Extrathyroid Gland: Adds a new gland around the thyroid that improves various physical traits, most notably extremely fast metabolism and sexual improvement.

Tactile Sensitivity: Hands develop more nerves, so a greater range of pressures and textures can be felt, and all sensations of the hand are magnified to 150%. This is passed on as a recessive gene.

Internal Cooling System: Increases the size and complexity of the appendix, as part of the pith, making it a second "heart" that pumps water through the body's new "veins and arteries," pumping water into the skin instead of excreting it to regulate body temperature regardless of environment, doubling the time one can stay exposed to extreme environments, and making them (physically) comfortable at any non-extreme temperature. Skin stays hydrated, soft, tight, and youthful, and hair stays healthy, shiny, and soft for the rest of the individual's life. It also grants a 90% immunity to frostbite and heat exhaustion.

Vocal Range Enhancement: Expands the sounds the affected can make to 8-10 full octaves, as well as making it clearer. This enhancement is illegal in many countries, as it can lead to voice mimicking and musical bootlegging, in addition to social engineering and other forms of fraud. This does not have much of an effect for the deaf, and cannot be applied in utero. The increase in range can also damage the hearing of those listening at high volumes.

Eye Color Augmentation: Changes eye color to any natural color, starting at the inner iris. This doesn't require the two year injections. It cannot affect the eyes unevenly, and it is incredibly difficult to change already heterochromic eyes. Color for eye changes if done for more than 3 months is vibrant and looks unnatural. If done for less, the result is central heterochromia. Cost for unnatural colors is increased based on demand, with blood red and bubblegum pink being the most common, and black and white slowly gaining popularity among certain crowds. This is not a simple iris dying, though that is a significantly cheaper option that isn't inheritable. Normal colors are dominantly or recessively inherited as their natural versions, but unnatural colors are all recessively inherited.

Muscle Tone Augmentation: Tones muscles, but has no effect on weight or weight gain.

Skin Color Change: Lightens or darkens skin, including chloroskin, to any shade of the current color from pure black to pure white. Injections taken until color is at desired level. Cannot be taken in utero, but is inherited naturally.

Flex Protein: Extra protein that makes joints more limber without removing the ability to "lock" them.

Gecko Hands/Feet: Two separate augments. Grows "smart setae" that only grip what the individual wants them to.

Adaptive Skeleton: When the affected individual suffers a broken bone, the bone will heal stronger than before in a reduced amount of time. This augment takes at least a year to take effect. Cannot be taken in utero and isn't passed on to offspring.

Thermosense Pits: Creates several pits along the cheekbone starting near the nose. These pits "smell" heat as infrared light, though not truly either seeing or smelling it, instead interpreting it as a new sense. These pits and the new sense cluster in the brain take 5 months to develop, and an additional month of "sense therapy" to use to their full potential. The need for training is bypassed if the individual is born with these pits (either inherited or applied in utero), with the individual learning to use them as part of the growing up process.

Gyrosense: The inner ears are modified to improve the individual's balance. However, for the two months this takes to take effect, the individual suffers from vertigo, and is prohibited from driving, using heavy machinery, traveling by plane or ship, and for going on long car rides. An individual who is using this to cure their vertigo is twice as likely to suffer an increased amplitude attack for this duration, and it isn't recommended they do anything more than lying down for the full duration. This may also restore partial hearing loss from Meniere's Disease or related inner ear conditions, but won't restore hearing for the deaf. When combined with magnesense organelles, the individual will always know the exact time of day after the first month.

Calcification: The individual develops a calcium shell over a controlled area defined by the cocktail tattoo. This shell is as hard, and available in the same colors, as a turtle shell. Note that it weakens the effectiveness of chloroskin where the shell is, as that skin dies in the process. Cannot be applied in utero without causing stillbirth (and, in fact, total petrification).

Clean metabolism: The body of the affected individual doesn't create unpleasant smells, and they always look radiant. This can be included in the initial 2 year cocktail for half the cost, though this augment takes twice as long to take effect (there is no increase to the other cocktail's 2 years). The combined effect of this and an internal cooling system is in high demand, and practically essential for celebrities, as it makes the affected look not only youthful, but almost ethereal.

Fur: Highly in demand among certain subcultures. The application is simple, taking roughly 28 days to grow, and doesn't require the 2 year injection. It is applied in a hex-mesh tattoo, meaning other augments can be applied underneath, and that the hair only grows where it is applied (such as only on arms). While it's purely cosmetic at first, if it is grown before the rootflesh augmentation, it allows for greater water absorption, and even allows the fur to be dry as soon as it leaves the water if the swim is short enough. It cannot be applied to calcified flesh, but can be applied immediately around it. The fur is like that of a fox, and becomes extremely soft and bright with internal cooling, and hypoallergenic with clean metabolism. The fur is the same color as the head hair of the individual, with the exception of customized solar hair; in that case, the fur looks like moss, and is edible, tasting like watercress. Regardless of its texture, honey lotus blood makes it taste sweet. If passed on genetically, the child is initially born without fur, and develops it wherever the same gender parent has it at puberty.

Claws: The individuals fingernails extend and harden, as well as going bone deep in the finger and fusing. For an additional fee and two months of treatment, the claws can be made retractable, like a cat's. This augment is usually taken with fur, for obvious reasons. It's not recommended, but it can be applied in utero, and is passed on as a recessive gene. The claws don't grow in until a month to a year after birth.

Tail: A tail like that of the majority of mammals, and is roughly half as long as its owner is tall. Without fur, the tail is hairless, like that of a rat, and fur must be applied to it directly after it has fully grown in, as normal. Tails are always passed on to offspring. The individual's clothes must be tailored to accomodate for the new appendage.

Prehensile Tail: The affected can control the tail as an extra limb. It has high tensile strength, able to hold the individual and half their weight in addition, but not otherwise strong. It also lacks dexterity, and is therefore incapable of fine manipulation, such as firing a gun. Once the augment takes effect, the individual needs training to use it properly, taking an additional month or two. This is part of the natural growing up process for babies born with these tails, regardless of how they got it.

Tail Spikes: The bones of the tail sharpen and extend painlessly through the flesh. While it can be applied without a prehensile tail, no sane person will apply the necessary tattoos without one, as it would be a public safety risk. This augment nullifies the ability to hold anything, but can be used as a weapon. This augment takes 4 months to take effect. It can't be applied in utero, but it can be passed on genetically, though the spikes don't grow in until triggered by puberty.

Bioluminescence: A luciferase-secreting gland grows inside a tattoo, causing a blue-green cold glow. This augment takes only a couple days to take effect, doesn't require the two year cocktail, and the effect is permanent. Unfortunately, this augment is passed on, but solely as glowing irises in the child, showing up progressively over the first month or two.

Vision/Hearing Range Enhancement: These two augmentations are incompatible with IUVSR, as they are a more advanced version, combining both the infra- and ultra- versions, as well as modifying the brain to accept the added input. These augments are significantly more expensive, and take 6 months to fully develop. This is passed on as a dominant trait, and can be applied in utero.

Eidetic Biostorage: This augment gives the affected a perfect eidetic memory of anything happening after it takes full effect (7 months after the injection). Requires Biostorage. This memory improvement covers all senses and information, and these memories can be called on whenever, so the affected can, for example, remember a lover's touch and feel it as if it was happening at that very moment. It should be noted that this augment is extremely cost-prohibitive, even for some of the richest 1%. Memories from before seem even more blurry than before, but no longer degenerate with age. This can be applied in utero, and passed on genetically with slightly reduced efficacy unless both parents have it as a recessive gene.

Expanded Heart: The affected grows an extension to their heart that better oxygenates their blood. This is almost always passed on, but can't be applied in utero without causing stillbirth.

Amphibious Gills: The affected can breathe underwater though gills that develop along the back of their jaws, and can effortlessly switch between breathing underwater and surface air, though can breathe neither as well. This can be counteracted with an expanded heart, so they can get more oxygen from both. These complement well, allowing the affected to absorb air underwater, too. This can be applied in utero, and can be passed on genetically.

Vision Magnification: Called "Hawk Eyes" or "Eagle Eyes" among the frequently augmented, the eyes of the affected grow new muscles inside that allow them to "zoom in and out" their vision up to 100x, though things that are up close are harder to see while zoomed in. This can also be used as a sort of microscope with enough practice.

Spatial Hearing: The ears of the affected rotate counterclockwise, with one pointing up and the other pointing down, allowing the individual to precisely locate the source of a sound. This augment is particularly noticeable from the front and back.

Sharkskin: The affected skin becomes rough, like that of a shark. They move more easily in the water, and can cause minor scrapes to anyone who brushes against them. Note that this only affects the back, shoulders, outer arms, rear and outer upper legs, and outer shins; all other skin remains the same. While contradictory to popular belief, this augment actually improves floropores. This augment is not passed on genetically, and it is not recommended to apply it in utero if the baby is to be delivered vaginally, and very few doctors will allow it in the nearly impossible event that the baby is to be delivered without painkillers.

Swim Bladder: The individual grows a third lung, if they have gills, that holds or releases air by the individual's conscious control. This lung is as wide as both of the others combined, and even fills some of the space between them, though is only half as deep. The individual can fill it with air to stay afloat, or empty it to allow them to descend. This is always passed on genetically.

Liquid Breathing: The individual's lungs fill with a highly oxygenated fluid. They can no longer breathe normally, starting about halfway through the 2 month augmentation development term. This requires both floropores and gills in order to absorb oxygen from their surroundings. The swim bladder is not affected by this augment, though the individual can still fill it with air as normal. There is a 10% chance for it to cause stillbirth if given in utero, though this risk isn't present if passed on genetically. In fact, children born with this as an inherited trait are still able to speak by vibrating the liquid with unique muscles, unlike anyone else who can no longer speak without further augmentation. Regardless of how it is developed, the individual can no longer drown, and can dive nearly 10 times as deep without having to worry about pressure or depressurizing when they surface.

Webbing: Creates retractable webbing between the individual's fingers and toes. Note that while extended, the individual loses some phalangeal dexterity, and the webbing is unnoticeable when retracted.

Sex Determination: Parents of the unborn individual can decide the sex of the baby up to the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy. This could cause later trouble.

Sex Change: This augment is an alternative to normal sexual reassignment surgery. It is non-invasive, requiring only a shot in the arm, thigh, or buttocks, and it changes all the internal organs of the individual to change and function as the appropriate sex. The internal change takes only a couple months, but the external change takes about a year. This augment is still experimental, and comparatively more expensive than the surgery. The individual is, however, often exempted from all taxes for up to 4 years, based on financial need and whether their country participates. This augment includes transgender functionality by default, and the individual is 100% the new gender after the initial year. Is not applied in utero (the sex determination augment is more appropriate and significantly cheaper), though can result in a sex change of the children conceived up to a year after this augment takes effect. This passed down sex change can even take years after the baby is born to take effect.

Penile Storage: Colloquially called the "Mangina," this augment is usually taken by male transvestites and those unwilling to leave any part of themselves vulnerable, like mixed martial artists. This augment allows the individual to retract his penis into what effectively passes as a vagina. The augment can obviously be taken only by men, though it is a cheaper alternative to a sex change for transwomen -- though for all intents and purposes, it's still a penis. This augment also requires an internal cooling system unless the man doesn't mind sterility. This augment takes 4 months to take effect, and is taken as an injection anywhere in the body. Can be taken in utero, with a 20% chance of causing a sex change. Note that when applied in utero, the child is functionally and visually female until puberty. This is passed on as a recessive gene, and there is a 15% chance of a sex change if passed on in this manner.

Buffout: This intramuscular injection affects only the muscle group it is designed for. The muscle group experiences rapid (and often painful) growth, sort of like strong steroids with different side effects. While these injections don't require the two year cocktail, they are illegal due to the fairly common side effect of ripping off ligaments or breaking bones, as well as the even higher risk of flesh simply falling off around the muscle. These augments take only a week for the full effect, and there's a ten percent chance they're not permanent, lasting only a few weeks before atrophying to their previous size. If applied in utero, will only result in stillbirth, and will always result in stillbirth if conception occurs while either parent is affected.

Tissue Regeneration: The individual's non-nerve tissue regenerates at twice the speed it normally would. This prevents the application of basic cyberware. Nerve tissue regenerates only at an additional 50% its normal rate of regeneration. This augment applied in utero cuts the remaining time left of pregnancy in half, and when inherited genetically, reduces it to about three and a half months.

Physical Predisposition: This is a group of several different augments that allow the individual to become or stay physically fit with less effort. This must be applied in utero, but is passed on as a dominant gene.

Intellectual Predisposition: This is a group of several different augments that must be applied in utero if not passed on as a dominant gene. It cannot be applied with Physical Predisposition without causing one of several major birth defects, though it can be taken by those who genetically inherited the other disposition. This augment allows the individualto learn and think more quickly, as well as being more able to retain infoemation. It provides a slighr memory enhancement by default, and even assists in developing spatial reasoning skills. This augment is significantly more wxlensive than both its physical counterpart and biostorage. Combined with Eidetic Biostorage, the individual could make Sherlock Holmes look like a blathering idiot, though the combined price is too high for all but a couple of the extremely wealthy.

Spikes: The individual's bones underneath the tattoo are made to grow through the skin. This can be applied in utero or passed on genetically as a recessive gene, though this usually has the undesired side effect of essentially mutilating the baby, making them something reminiscent of a bony troll, with big bumpy ridges on their spine, shoulders, elbows, and knees. This baby cannot be delivered naturally.

Horns: Similar to spikes, but the tattoo(s) include additional information, such as the biomathematical equasions for the curvature anf rotation of the horns, the initial direction of growth, how sharp the ends are, and even any distinctions, like serration and sharp edges. This can be applied with a chemical cocktail in utero -or passed on as a dominant trait- with no side effects, though the horns grow very slowly, usually not reaching 3 inches before puberty, at which point they grow at the normal pace. Horns grow at a rate of 4 inches per three months, to a maximum length predetermined in their biomathematical formula, usually a little over a foot (though their curvature may make them appear shorter or longer).

Genetic Perfection: This augment erases all genetic predisposition to defects and diseases, and must be injected in utero, specifically in the beginning week of the third trimester. There is, unfortunately, a 90% mortality rate, making this augment highly illegal, but that doesn't stop some parents, especually those deemed "genetic cesspools", where many genetic diseases are passed down in their blood. Of the 10 in 100 that survive, one will be albino, seven will be missing the pigmentation in their eyes (with pink or nearly-white blue irises, and accompanying light sensitivity), and two will be severely disfigured. Only one will be genetically perfect. Even the rare few illegal clinics that will perform this inform everyone who considers this of these statistics, and the information is available freely online.

Sleep Regulation: The affected only needs two or three hours of sleep over two days. While this augment can be taken in utero, it doesn't lead to much sleep in early parenthood, and affected teens are more likely to get in trouble. This augment isn't necessary for those with solar batteries and energy conservation, though it can supplement those in environments with little sunlight. It is passed on as a recessive gene.

Fangs: The incisors of the affected grow to twice their normal length and areof increased sharpness. Optionally, this can be done to other teeth. If done in utero or passed on genetically (as a dominant gene), these grow and fall out the same as normal teeth, and only the adult teeth grow in as fangs. Children can grow fangs, but only the incisors will grow initially until the others fall out and regrow.

Vibration Column: The individual's vocal cords develop tiny muscles that make them vibrate to produce sound. This augmentation is the cheaper of two solutions to the quietness of someone with floropores and liquid breathing, and serves no purpose for anyone else. This augmentation is automatically passed down with liquid breathing, even if neither parent has it. If both parents have florochords, the child will also have them, meaning the child has both sound-production augments.

Florochords: The more expensive solution to liquid breathing and floropores muteness, giving the pores their own vocal cords, which individually are nearly silent, though together can sound just like someone talking. This sound isn't direct, like with normal speech, instead being transmitted in every direction equally. This is possible, though unnecessarily, to be passed on as a recessive gene, giving another form of communication, as well as potentially allowing the affected to hold two conversations at once, as long as they can pay attention to both. Elder Wildflower, a native american folk singer, was born with both this and liquid breathing, and has used them to rise in fame within the folk music community, using her own voice and florochords to produce a guitar sound without needing a guitar. The South African rapper Francois Poli has also used them to beatbox and rap at the same time on his newest album.

Conduits: The individual's energy-conservig solar battery now develops "wires" in their flesh that absorb electricity. They can short like regular wires if enough electricity hits them. They can also work in reverse, sending out electricity like an electric eel. They can be used to "jump" another who has them, equalizing the charge between both within a second of contact. With enough stored energy, the individual's hands can be used like a living defibrilator. If the individual is struck by lightning, it automatically chains to thenearest conductor or the ground, keeping them safe so long as they stay on the ground. If not, their solar battery burns out...explosively. All uses will drain energy from the individual, but if they're desperate for energy, they can just stick a fork in a socket.

Cosmetic Genetics: Anything that can be done with plastic surgery, and a little more, can be done with this augment at a slightly higher price. The fact that these augments can't "fail to take" like plastic surgery makes up for the added cost in most people's opinions. These changes actually augment the genes of the individual, so are passed on as if they were normal genetics.

Wings: Hairless, bat-like wings sprout from the individual's back. These do not allow flight without further augmentation, however. They can be augmented the same as other flesh. They are passed on genetically, though often break during birth, whether delivered normally or not.

Hollowing: Requires an adaptive skeleton. The individual's bones become hollow and more flexible, cutting weight by 10%. The bones become more difficult to break, but starting a month before the augment takes full effect, the individual must relearn to walk. Those that are born with this augment can potentially have many of their bones broken if born naturally.

Softpaws: A specially designed ink for fur tattoos that allows the fur to grow at its normal density on any part of the body, including wings, the soles of the feet and between toes, the palms of the hands and between fingers, and on webbing. This is only passed on if normal fur is.

Youth Serum: Makes the individual look and feel up to 50 years younger. If given in utero or passed on genetically, the individual takes an additional month or two to be born, and ages incredibly slowly passed puberty, which is delayed up to 8 years. If given to a child, it can delay puberty by up to 10 years (based on the formula). Unsurprisingly, this augment sees common use in the porn industry; coincidentally, when this saw its first use in the industry, child abuse, child porn, and related crimes were cut by 70%. Soon, it was used among celebrities and other rich individuals. It is fairly expensive, but not prohibitively so. The individual de-ages at an average rate of 8 years per month, with the rate faster for larger age reductions. Note that it has no effecton the skeletal structure (it can't shrink bones), though it can be considered a vaccine against osteoarthritis.

Induced Puberty: A safer alternative to flooding a child with hormones. Doesn't require the 2 year cocktail, but results in slightly stunted growth. It was created in an independent lab, solely for a genetic test on children. It was tested with parental permission in nearby schools and used to teach children about the changes in the body during puberty, allowing the children to witness them firsthand. It has since been made illegal for schools to mandate this, but there have been a few reports of it being used in science fairs. It requires a doctor's prescription as well as legal citizenship to get this, but it's rare for doctors to consent. It fetches a high price in the black market, and sees most of its use by those with the youth serum already in their blood.