26 January 2014

Forum RP Plot

Players are in Paradise, a very beautiful city, but the beauty barely hides the crimes committed within it. Kidnappings are the most frequent crime, often with the victims released in fairly good condition; Unfortunately, some of the more recent kidnappings have led to the murders of those who were kidnapped. Those who try to escape are rigorously and violently "questioned" until proven innocent. Players are the murder suspects (former kidnappers) who had a similar modus operandi. One of the players will be the actual murderer.

This city is located in a small nation with an omnipresent totalitarian government, where almost all information given to the citizens is propaganda. Characters will not be able to leave the city easily, and if they succeed, there are frequent police checkpoints around the city. Additionally, police of other cities in the area have been notified that if they see any of the suspects, said suspects are to be kept in jail (and therefore are out of the RP).

While players will be creating their own character(s), they will not be playing as their own character(s). Instead, they will be assigned a random character of all the ones submitted. The murderer will also be submitted randomly. The GM contacts them in a PM. The other characters will not know who the killer is, of course, though the players and their characters may learn who it is as events unfold. Even though the murders will be going on during the RP, they will be done off-camera. The GM is responsible for posting the actions of the killer (in the form of news/propaganda, with the actions dictated by the killer and NOT written in the main RP thread, but in PMs to the GM). The RP should be as realistic as possible, however; if a character is caught killing, that character is imprisoned, and their player is out of the game.

The GM only makes a character (or characters) if the group does not reach the minimum character count of eight characters. Otherwise, the GM plays only police and news reporters. Players can also make extra characters. Of course, if there are more than nine characters before characters are distributed, the addtional ones will be distributed as well.

Players are allowed (and actually encouraged) to talk to each other to ask the creator of their character if an action is in-character, but should not ask the person who got their character to post something they wrote, or even to paraphrase it.

If a player is assigned to be the killer, but doesn't want the responsibility, or is unable to take it, they are to inform the GM as soon as they are able. The GM will choose another murderer at random. The player who declined will, of course, not be informed of the decision. Players are not to share information outside of the RP with each other, especially the killer. Characters are, however, expected to say that they are or aren't the murderer (realistic, remember?), whether it's true or not. It is requested that players are not to kill unless they are the killer, especially not each other.

Character Sheet:
Age: (18+)
Profession: (Make it logical with your character's age.)
Personality: (Be as detailed as you possibly can, since someone else is getting this character. You will be working with them, yes, but the more work you do here, the less you'll have to explain about your character later.)
Appearance: (Text or a picture MADE SPECIFICALLY for this RP. Put as many details as possible here, as well, as this information is very important to the story (witnesses, evidence))
History: (Please only put significant psychological events. This is important for the victims. Players may know this, but remember: other characters do not. Even if the history makes a person the most obvious, that's only useful if the character you're playing as knows it.)
Possessions: (Anything that isn't written in the appearance, but this character has in their immediate possession. Guns are very hard to come by and are completely illegal except to police and military (which are both domains covered by the GM.))