27 February 2012


Chemical injected daily for 2 years to prepare the body for bio-augmentation. Such augs include, but are not limited to:

Chloroskin - skin absorbs sunlight and makes chlorophyll, tints skin green, cuts need to eat by 20-80% (depending on sun exposure during the day. Not tested on nudists), body still needs water (and it is recommended that the affected only drinks plain water),
Floropores - skin absorbs oxygen, need to breathe is eliminated unless body is covered in a non-breathable material, requires Chloroskin,
Solar Hair - Turns hair black, though hair grows thicker than before, even regrows hair, hair absorbs the sun's rays to supplement Chloroskin, which is required, eliminates need to eat at all,
Solar Battery - Requires Solar Hair and subsequent lack of a digestive system, makes the liver serve as storage for solar energy, removing the need to sleep as long as the affected gets two hours of sun exposure during the day,
Lifetime Fertility - Causes the reproductive organs to better preserve eggs, eliminating periods and traditional menopause, though children have a very slightly increased chance of developing genetic birth defects, the version for males simply prevents erectile dysfunction,
Transgender Functionality - As the name implies, makes the genitals of a transgender person function as the proper gender, including fertility and menstrual cycles, though it should be noted that Lifetime Fertility is not an option without a Solar Battery, otherwise fertility lasts only up to ten years,
Lightning - If the affected has a solar battery, reaction times (both physical and mental) are improved by 50%,
Biostorage - Long and short term memory intakes are improved by 50%,
Honey Blood - the spleen is improved to better filter blood, and blood platelets form more quickly. The body's immune system is improved by 50%, also cures haemophilia,
Pith - Requires solar battery, causes the intestines to coil tightly in order to hold water, similar to a cactus' pith, 
Rootflesh - Requires Chloroskin, body hair absorbs water for the body,
Infra/Ultravision - Causes the eyes to grow bits to see infrared and ultraviolet light, though there is some loss of color depth because of this, has no effect on the blind,
Vomeronasal Organ - Improves sense of smell to the level of a dog, slightly improves sense of taste as well,
Magnesense Organelles - Improvement to Vomeronasal Organ, allows the affected to smell electricity and magnetism, as well as "feel" magnetic North. Auroras have a distinct and unique smell with no comparison, but while the smell is often described as mildly pleasant, the affected becomes quite disoriented,
Controlled Pheromones - Allows the affected to release pheromones of their choice in the amount of their choice, though it takes time to produce more, has an increased effect on those with Vomeronasal Organs, though too much overloads their sense of smell, making the pheromones smell terrible, similar to rotting flesh,
Extrathyroid Gland - Adds a new gland around the thyroid that improves various physical traits, most notably excessively fast metabolism and physical sexual improvement,
Ultra/Infrasound Receptors - Increases range of hearing, though depth is slightly decreased, no effect on the deaf,
Tactile Sensitivity - Hands develop more nerves,
Internal Cooling System - Requires Pith, the body develops new "veins and arteries", with the Pith serving as a new "heart", which pumps water through the skin instead of excreting it to regulate body temperature regardless of environment (doubles bearable temperatures), skin stays hydrated, soft, tight, and youthful, and hair stays soft, shiny, and healthy for longer

[Incomplete - This has been completely reworked and is mostly complete in an offline version]