Incorporators are, logically, disliked in most societies. However, incorporators often form a portion of the elite of any group, especially in terms of music and money. Once they are caught in a lot of societies, they are executed publicly or left somewhere where something else will kill them (i.e., tied up in the woods in such a way they can't escape).
A kalo incorporator is the only one that doesn't have to eat the organs. However, they do destroy it; they drain its essence in their normal "eating" practices. They cannot, however, take abilities related to organs they don't have, like lungs. No other race can take things they don't have, either. For example, an aberil cannot take the ability to sing from the lungs (though they can, very, very rarely take it from the vocal cords).
Taloven incorporators do not eat the organs, per se; they absorb them in the appropriate place and the cells in the area study them and digest them, then average that organ with their equivalent to get 50% of the difference between the consumed organ and their own. While it nearly always successful, it can also cause "organ" decay of their own organ, instead lowering their own ability by 50% of the difference. This cannot be corrected the normal way, but it can be fixed by consuming more organs.
In science fiction settings, they cannot take abilities from synthetic organs and even trying to eat them makes them sick (the exact illness varies little by race, but usually involves vomiting and weakness in limbs).
An incorporator consuming another incorporator steals all ability gained from the particular organ they drain from. No incorporator can drain from multiple organs on the same person.
Incorporators do not kill in self defense; however, many are trained in forms of non-lethal combat (as in, they seek training because they are incorporators), so they are not defenseless. If they accidentally kill someone, they apologize by means of massive donations to the families of the victim or simply by seeking the authorities to judge them.
Incorporators cannot steal class abilities, like a conduit's absorption or a flux' phasing. They can, however, take any mechanical means of gaining an ability and use it, so some Incorporators are capable of also being hunters, since the PRE is technically not a class ability. However, it does take special training, as well as reprogramming and connecting it to the anatomy of the incorporator. All of this is negated if the incorporator is a voshi, since that is what voshi do by nature. Of course, the PRE would have to fit the incorporator, or be modified to do so.